
Es la intención de este libro revelar la verdad de los 144,000 mencionados en Apocalipsis 7, pero el objeto principal de esta publicación es traer una reforma entre el pueblo de Dios. La verdad aqu...

Este libro no es publicado para explicar, o comentar sobre verdades que han sido previamente reveladas, y aceptadas como tales, sino es para revelar realidades que Dios ha preservado por muchas genera...

De seguro que todos los interesados estarán contentos de saber que el primero de unas series de artículos de noticias relacionados con la verdad presente está en circulación. Por lo tanto oremos h...

Al estar despojados de todas las ventajas denominacionales tales como sanatorios, fábricas de alimentos sanos, imprentas, etc. quizá pueda ser necesario un lugar rural para el establecimiento de una...

Cuando Dios revela algo al hombre que él no puede encontrar por sí mismo, el término que da la Biblia para ese tipo de revelación es, Inspiración. De esta manera, Jesús dijo que Pedro fue inspir...

Tenemos grandes evidencias para apoyar nuestro mensaje más de lo que los profetas hubieran dicho en sus tiempos. El esfuerzo decidido de Satanás ahora es el mismo como en los tiempos pasados: hacer ...

El problema con la gente es que hacen a La Vara decir cosas que no ha dicho realmente. Usted escribe que la Hna. White ha dicho que el ministerio solamente debería recibir el diezmo. Si usted quiere ...

Dios nunca ha revelado todavía toda la verdad a una persona. Pero espera que nosotr os nos mantengamos al paso de la luz siempre creciente y aunque cada avance de la verdad en su primer amanecer pare...

“Todavía no se ha podido entrar en muchos campos maduros para la siega porque hemos adolecido de ayudantes abnegados. Se debe penetrar en estos campos, y muchos obreros deberían acudir a ellos con...

Confrontamos la oposición de nuestras Conferencias, que están tratando de ahogar el mensaje y matar la obra de reforma. Ellos hablan en contra de las publicaciones, pero ni una vez han abierto sus p...

Si La Vara es la verdad y uno la acepta con todo el corazón, y vive la verdad, la posibilidad de perderse sería idéntica a la posibilidad de que Pablo se perdiera por aceptar con todo su corazón e...

Sin duda todos nuestros Hermanos han estados ansiosos por escuchar lo que ha sido logrado en el viaje a Texas. Estamos listos para informar.{1SC10: 1.1} La responsabilidad que Dios ha colocado sobre ...

Aunque se pensó al comienzo que la oficina permanecería en su lugar original por uno o dos meses más, las circunstancias demandaron su inmediata mudanza y es con alabanzas que hacemos este feliz an...

Si el Centro del Monte Carmelo ha de ser leal a su nombre y permanecer como un antitipo de aquel antiguo monte al cual Dios llamó a su pueblo de antaño para probar quien era el verdadero Dios, enton...

Como defensores de la verdad y de la justicia y debido al gran amor por nuestros Hermanos, nosotros, como Juan El Bautista, preferiríamos ser decapitados en lugar de hacer que el que murió por nosot...

Nos sentimos seguros que todos los amigos de la causa de la reforma estarán complacidos de ver a toda la compañía en perfecta armonía con nuestra profesión, como nunca ha sido testificado desde e...

Estamos contentos de anunciar que las oficinas centrales del mensaje del sellamiento se mudaron de Waco al Centro del Monte Carmelo el 29 de septiembre a su nuevo y permanente hogar para la proclamaci...

Agradecemos a todos nuestros Hermanos por su ayuda en esta poderosa obra y esperamos que con la ayuda de Dios no los defraudemos al quedarnos cortos en nuestro privilegio dado por Dios, no como otros ...

Habiendo preparado un lugar para todos los redimidos, Jesús regresará, no solamente por aquellos que están vivos, sino también por aquellos que están muertos, como está descrito en 1Ts. 4:16 -18...

La mayoría de nuestro pueblo está tan profundamente dormida y entorpecida que parece que no hay nada que pueda despertarla de su “engaño Laodicense”. Estudian el mensaje y admiten que esta es l...

Tenemos mucho entusiasmo y nos faltan las palabras con las cuales expresar nuestras gracias a Aquél que está “tomando las riendas en sus propias manos”, por Su gran misericordia, tierno cuidado ...

El viejo Diablo sabe muy bien que este es el último mensaje que el mundo recibirá y que lo encadenará por mil años y que finalmente reducirá su ser a cenizas como si nunca hubiera existido. Por l...

“No sé que va a sucederle a algunos quienes profesan creer en la verdad presente, quienes han sido enseñados, exhortados, reprendidos y advertidos ambos por precepto y por ejemplo, pero quienes to...

Los líderes judíos pensaron que si ellos pudieran por cualquiera que fuesen los medios de deshacerse de Cristo, Su trabajo de reforma y adelanto de la luz de la Palabra de Dios podrían entonces lle...

“Si Eliseo hubiese preguntado a Elías qué se esperaba de él, cuál iba a ser su trabajo, se le habría contestado: Dios lo sabe; él te lo hará saber. Si confías en el Señor, él responderá a...

Aquellos que se han convertido a Dios, y cuyo ojo espiritual capta el peso eterno de la gloria, dándose cuenta que este está a nuestro alcance, no necesitamos insistir en dar lo que pertenece a Dios...

¿Quién puede sostenerse en el temor del justo, ante el gran Juez, el poderoso de Israel? No ha dicho El, “Escuchen lo que les digo a ustedes”, “Escucha a La Vara y a quien la predica”. ¿Qu...

Nadie tiene que estudiar los escritos de otros, sino que necesitan entender la Biblia, porque la Palabra de Dios es la vida misma. Sin embargo, como las Escrituras no son de interpretación privada (2...

Como el “gran objetivo de todo estudio” es “aprender la voluntad de Dios y los deberes de Su pueblo”, el sistema de educación de la Academia del Monte Carmelo difiere vitalmente de aquellos q...

Aunque la iglesia es el único objeto sobre la tierra a la cual El concede su suprema consideración, Él a menudo tiene que amonestar y aún reprochar y corregir a esta institución ordenada diviname...

“El predicador lo pasa muy bien. Si su cabello es gris, él es demasiado viejo. Si él es un hombre joven, entonces no tiene suficiente experiencia. Si es soltero, él es un flirteador; y si es casa...

Mis Hermanos y Hermanas, no abusen de la misericordia de Dios y pongan oídos sordos a Sus súplicas al cuestionar y criticar cada cosa ahora “en el desarrollo de la verdad”, cuando deberían esta...

“Nos damos cuenta con el entendimiento que sigue sólo después del de Dios, de que el hogar y la familia son la unidad básica de la sociedad humana. Satanás mece la cuna y mece el mundo. Comenzó...

Oh, clamo a Dios para que él pueda despertar a todos los creyentes de la Verdad Presente y hacer que ellos vean que un mero conocimiento teórico de la Verdad Presente no es suficiente para salvar su...

El mismo hecho de que los ciento cuarenta y cuatro mil han de ser hallados sin mentira en sus bocas no sólo es una evidencia de que ellos deben proclamar la verdad y nada más que la verdad y que su ...

“Dios proveyó el maná para Su pueblo en el desierto por un milagro de misericordia y pudo haber suministrado todo lo necesario para el servicio religioso, pero no lo hizo porque en su infinita sab...

A todos los descuidados o que dudan o los que tienen un espíritu acusador y que caminan por los bordes del camino de la Verdad Presente, las siguientes palabras de inspiración permanecen como fieles...

Se llama nuestra atención a la pregunta más importante: ¿podría ser posible que las escrituras contengan una profecía tan completa de la iglesia hasta 1844 y no contengan nada en lo absoluto para...

El espíritu que obró en los líderes judíos está actuando hoy. En el tiempo de Cristo el pueblo pretendía ser fervoroso en su creencia de los escritos de Moisés y los profetas, y conocieron los ...

El mensaje que ha de terminar la obra del evangelio, es el último de todos los mensajes del evangelio antes del cierre de la gracia. Este es el que ha de ser traído por el profeta Elías antitípico...

Tanto en el antiguo como en el nuevo Testamento es traído a nuestra vista un movimiento religioso organizado y dirigido por el autor de las Escrituras, el primero de los cuales es un, “ejemplo o ti...

Los judíos llamaron al Cristo esperado, “el Mesías,” sin embargo, quienes hablamos inglés, le llamamos el Ungido, porque en nuestro idioma, eso es lo que la palabra, Mesías significa. El títu...

Vivimos ahora la vida de Cristo por fe, pero en el reino, la sustancia de nuestra esperanza, donde “la evidencia de las cosas”esvista, viviremos por lo que vemos, porque “Ahora vemos por espejo,...

Concede la libertad religiosa a todos, porque no es nuestro deber demandar a otros respeto por nuestra religión, sino que es nuestro deber con mansedumbre y con temor enseñar la verdad a aquellos qu...

El Único quien predijo el surgimiento y la caída de Babilonia y de las naciones sucesivas a ésta, es el Único quien conoce el resultado de la presente “angustia de las naciones” Lucas 21:25. P...

“Dios tiene preciosa luz que ha de impartir a su pueblo … Cuando se presenta una luz nueva a la iglesia, es peligroso que la rechacéis … condenar aquello que no habéis oído y que no entendéi...

El Cordero, estando al principio delante del trono en el cielo, pero después con los 144.000 sobre el Monte de Sión, sobre la tierra, aunque los Ancianos y las Bestias alrededor del trono quedan en ...

A través de las edades, todos quienes han puesto su confianza en los así llamados sabios, los Cristianos más destacados de su época, todos bien conocidos como hombres piadosos, por medio de estos ...

¿SABE USTED Queridos Hermanos en Laodicea, ¿saben ustedes que la profecía positivamente declara que el pueblo de Dios en la iglesia de Laodicea está en una condición crítica y peligrosa y no lo...

Puesto que la doctrina del milenio presenta varias preguntas o dudas controversiales de importancia vital para la salvación de todo ser humano, y puesto que sólo la verdad libertará al alma del eng...

Aunque hemos aclarado determinantemente un número de veces, las preguntas de si (1) Jesús, para cumplir con “la señal de Jonás”, permaneció “tres días y tres noches” en la tumba o (2) si...

Por lo tanto, hermanos, una vez y para siempre establecido, que con la ayuda del Señor tú ya no mas serás llevado por vientos de doctrinas que son creados y conducidos por el espíritu de error, no...

Aunque esta es la obra culminante de nuestra salvación y del establecimiento del reino de Cristo en la tierra, con todo el “juicio investigador” es uno de los temas bíblicos menos comprendidos y...

“Y los siete ángeles que tenían las siete trompetas, se aparejaron para tocar. Y el primer ángel tocó la trompeta, y fue hecho granizo y fuego, mezclado con sangre, y fueron arrojados a la tierr...

Sus procesos educacionales, por lo tanto, tienen que ver con el hombre completo para el tiempo y la eternidad, la meta constante es educar mano, mente y corazón, en un armonioso desarrollo de los pod...

En ningún caso es un procedimiento moral y seguro apelar a un oponente de los escritos de uno, para traer luz sobre alguna parte de sus escritos. Un demócrata no pensaría en apelar a un republicano...

¡Despierte al trabajo, maestro de la Verdad Presente! Haga los trabajos de Aquel que lo ha enviado, “mientras el día dura”, porque viene la noche, “cuando nadie puede trabajar”. Juan 9:4. ...

Pero en toda su historia, la iglesia como un todo nunca ha aceptado un mensaje del cielo. El llamado por lo tanto, llega a cada miembro individualmente. Cada uno debe decidir por sí mismo. Ninguno de...

La iglesia judía, en la que reposó la verdad hasta el tiempo de Cristo, debería haber sido para siempre “el alfolí”, y los sacerdotes también para siempre ser sus administradores. Pero cuando...

¡Piensen, hermanos, y despierten a la vida! ¡Esta voz que está instándoles a despertarse y a evitar los lazos del enemigo, no puede ser posiblemente la voz del enemigo! Recuerden que el Señor “...

Ahora que por una parte el Señor está amonestándole a usted a aferrarse a su poderosa luz de Verdad y de esa manera estar separado del pecado, para que pueda escapar de su venganza, para ser libera...

Por lo tanto, sin equivocación, la luz clara que emana del tipo, de los testimonios de los profetas y de la historia, identifica el mensaje de la Varacomo el único ordenado para guiar a la iglesia d...

“Satanás”, dice el Espíritu de Profecía, “sabe sugerir dudas e idear objeciones contra el testimonio directo que Dios envía, y muchos piensan que es una virtud, un indicio de inteligencia se...

Así como el gran Modelo de la religión bíblica fue el Verbo (Hijo) de Dios en forma humana (1 Juan 1:1), la religión bíblica misma son los mandamientos (la justicia) de Dios en forma humana (2 Co...

Por más de diecinueve siglos, la institución de la Navidad, el popular día de intercambio de regalos, ha sido aclamado por todo el Cristianismo como uno de los buenos y perfectos dones de Dios. Y e...

El propósito principal de La Vara del Pastores abrir el tan oculto misterio concerniente al siempre desafiante y tan discutido tema de los 144.000 (Apocalipsis 14:1), con el objeto central en vista d...

La importancia de este agente comunicador de salud es en algunos aspectos similar al evangelio, ya que ningún hogar, sea este Cristiano, Judío, o pagano se puede dar el lujo de no tener a lo menos u...

Nahum contempla dos grandes poderes en conflicto, proyectados para un día, cuando todo lo que se mueve sobre ruedas se apresurará como “relámpago”. Luego, en un agudo contraste, El enfoca su at...

Y si hubiésemos consultados a los ministros de nuestras respectivas denominaciones anteriores, y aceptado sus consejos, ¿cuántos de nosotros habríamos llegado a ser Adventistas del Séptimo Día?....

Claramente, entonces, la lascivia huirá actualmente, y este reavivamiento y reforma traído por este movimiento laico completará su obra asignada. Y así, vemos que como resultado con la protesta de...

A Daniel se le dijo que cerrara y sellara el libro hasta el tiempo del fin. El libro, por lo tanto no era para el entendimiento del pueblo antes del tiempo del fin. Entonces cuando el libro se abre y ...

Este es el versículo en el cual Juan el Bautista encontró su texto como mensajero para preparar el camino para el primer advenimiento de Cristo. Pero puesto que ya hemos visto que el capítulo comie...

Los Judíos habían construido una concepción errónea de lo que sería el Reino, y cómo y cuándo éste vendría y cuando el Señor expuso su concepto erróneo, ellos se indignaron. Ellos estaban m...

Todos sabemos que no hubo guerras antes del diluvio, que las guerras comenzaron después de la confusión de lenguas en la torre de Babel, después que la familia humana había sido dividida en varias...

Hay sólo un libro en la Biblia que ha tenido que ser abierto, y ese es el libro de Daniel (Daniel 12:4). Y puesto que la primera cosa que hizo el ángel fue abrir el libro, el análisis prueba que en...

Vemos que la Biblia pone el número “666”, no en la primera bestia, la bestia como leopardo, sino en la segunda, la bestia de dos cuernos, porque la descripción de la primera bestia termina en Ap...

Todos los que se arrepientan de quebrantar la ley, y le acepten a él como su salvador, se levantan en novedad de vida. Una vida que está en armonía con la ley es verdaderamente la justicia de Crist...

Para ilustrar el tema de nuestro estudio esta tarde, tomemos por ejemplo el libro que la Denominación ha puesto en Daniel y El Apocalipsis, los dos libros mas inapreciados de la Biblia. El libro que ...

¿Será inesperado este regreso? O ¿enviará primero el Señor a alguien a preparar su camino? Y si alguien ha de preceder su venida, ¿quién será? - “Respondiendo él, les dijo: Elías a la verd...

La Vara del Pastor, los libros que la Inspiración nombró e inspiró su contenido, siendo la única Vara en el mundo que puede oírse hablando, el Señor ordena que usted debería oírla, que usted n...

Por experiencia personal David conoció la fidelidad de Dios: Habiendo hecho todo lo que debía ser hecho para servir a Dios, él estaba confiado que cuando el oso y el león vino a devorar sus ovejas...

Nosotros y la mayoría en el Cristianismo comúnmente creemos que el león representa el antiguo imperio de Babilonia, el oso Medo-Persia, el leopardo Grecia, y la bestia indescriptible en sus dos fas...

Los padres inteligentes miran al futuro. Tienen cuidado para preparar a sus hijos para ello. Hacen esto inculcando en los hijos principios nacidos del Cielo sobre los cuales los hijos pueden edificar ...

Mucho se habla entre nosotros acerca de la “justificación por la gracia” y la “justificación por la fe”, además de la “justicia de Cristo”. Pero, en que ha de beneficiarnos todo lo que ...

Yo, de cualquier manera, estoy seguro que Dios no nos mantendrá ignorantes de las cosas que tenemos que saber. Si es necesario que sepamos de antemano el día y la hora de la purificación de la igle...

Todas las gentes que durante las edades han abrazado un fresco mensaje de Dios, han sido tildadas como “vástagos” y consideradas peligrosas - algo de lo cual uno tiene que cuidarse si no quiere s...

La verdadera Cristiandad es un crecimiento, es como una planta. Cristo mismo es representado como una Rama (Isaías 11:1), y su Reino es como la semilla de mostaza (Mateo 13:31-32) la cual después qu...

Como nunca antes las nubes de guerra, tan oscuras y extrañas, como furiosos truenos, cuelgan sobre el mundo, cual el mundo nunca ha visto, se ve hoy. En todas partes, en el gobierno, en la industria,...

¿Cuántos caminos? - Sólo dos: el camino verdadero y el camino falso. Estos dos caminos siempre han existido y existirán, siempre que existan el hombre natural y el hombre espiritual en la tierra. ...

Veamos. Poco antes de instituir la ordenanza de humildad, Jesús dijo a sus discípulos, “ No estáis limpios todos”. Uno no estaba limpio. Pero aunque el hecho de que Judas no era digno, la orden...

Isaías 2:2 - “Acontecerá en lo postrero de los tiempos, que será confirmado el monte de la casa de Jehová como cabeza de los montes, y será exaltado sobre los collados, y correrán a él todas ...

Algunos hermanos me han escrito de tiempo en tiempo preguntándome acerca de lo que puede hacerlos elegibles para recibir el sello de Dios. Unos desean saber si haciendo esto o aquello o lo otro puede...

Mensajes Selectos, Volumen 1, página 149: “Un reavivamiento y una reforma deben tener lugar bajo la ministración del Espíritu Santo. Reavivamiento y Reforma son dos cosas diferentes. Reavivamient...

Anteriormente el profeta miró estos como cuatro cuernos, como poderes que esparcieron Judá, Israel y Jerusalén por todas las naciones gentiles, pero como el ángel proyectó la vista profética has...

Como fue en los días de la edificación del tipo del templo, así debe ser en los días del antitipo, en nuestros días. Podemos ver en esto que así como la Palabra de Dios fue dirigida a los gobern...

Refresquémonos nuestra memoria primero considerando la actitud de los Judíos hacia los profetas. Los Judíos más bien que ir a los profetas con el propósito de aprender y razonar, iban a ellos con...

La lluvia tardía de Verdad, es por lo tanto, la última, la que prepara al pueblo de Dios para la cosecha, porque al tiempo cuando Dios separa el trigo de la cizaña (Mateo 13:30), las vírgenes prud...

En vista del hecho de que Jerusalén tiene que ser protegida por un muro de fuego (Zacarías 2:5) mientras que reina allí la casa de Judá, queda entonces bien definido que la batalla descrita aquí ...

No importa cuán grande y cuán efectivo sea un reavivamiento y una reforma y aunque Dios mismo pueda comenzarlo en su iglesia, las Escrituras hacen claro que ambos los pecadores y los santos estarán...

Lo más importante de todo, sin embargo, el profeta Nahum declara en forma muy clara que todas estas cosas toman lugar en nuestro día, y que la caída de Asiria toma lugar mientras el pueblo de Dios ...

Así que la conmoción causada por el sitio a la iglesia - con la Verdad - y sus adversarios peleando contra la verdad, está comenzando a ganar la atención del mundo, la cual dará por resultado la ...

Si, hasta ahora hemos estado solamente como jugueteando con los adversarios del Señor, pero nosotros ahora estamos decididos a atender los negocios del Señor con toda preferencia. Nunca más sacrifi...

El Señor nos muestra aquí que el mensaje que deben dar a su pueblo los ministros que él ha llamado para que amonesten a la gente no es un mensaje de paz y seguridad. No es meramente teórico, sino ...

En el reino aquí predicho, no solamente los hombres estarán en paz con los hombres, sino también con los animales, así como los animales van a estar en paz con los animales. La razón dada para es...

Cuando Dios manifieste Su poder sobre Su pueblo, aun el mundo sentirá los efectos de ello. Los caminos misioneros estarán desolados, los misioneros mismos cesarán; El no presta atención a ningún ...

Ahora se nos pide escoger o estar del lado de Dios o del lado de Sus adversarios (los que tememos); aquellos quienes hacen todo para cerrar nuestros ojos a la verdad de Dios para este tiempo - escoger...

Nosotros hemos aprendido, que las dos esposas de Abraham, y los dos hijos, son una predicción alegórica de las iglesias del Antiguo, y Nuevo Testamentos; que la venida de Ismael prefiguró al Israel...

Ahora estamos viviendo en un mundo confundido. Algunos son de Pablo, otros de Apolos, Cefas, Pedro, Juan, o Santiago, algunos de Dios, algunos de Cristo. Los cristianos están así luchando y disputan...

Si pudiéramos darnos cuenta solamente todo lo que Dios ha preparado para aquellos que aman estudiar Su palabra y caminarán a Su luz siempre creciente, entonces haríamos de los negocios de Dios nues...

¡Cuán agradecidos debemos estar de que el Señor nos está dando “alimento a su debido tiempo”! Aunque las gentes se maten por millones unas a otras al fin de librarse del yugo de otra nación, ...

Si comparamos nuestra obra con la obra de Noé veremos de un modo u otro si nosotros nos comparamos con él en obedecer la Verdad presente. Ni los antediluvianos, ni los postdiluvianos se beneficiaron...

¿Es la religión algo que crece y progresa o es algo que permanece estancada? Justamente el otro día oímos por radio a cierto ministro que presumía que su denominación no había añadido ni quita...

La gente que obedece una ley del estado piensa que es un excelente estatuto de libertad, pero los que se deleitan en pecar, para ellos la ley es anatema. Cualquier asesino que por ley ha sido sentenci...

El muy usado árbol de Navidad, el 25 de Diciembre - un árbol cortado de su fuente de vida y detenido con clavos - no simboliza un nacimiento, sino por el contrario la muerte de uno y un vano esfuerz...

La obra del antiguo Elías, sabemos, fue la última obra para el típico Israel apóstata - la Iglesia. Del mismo modo la obra de Elías de este día debe ser la antitípica última obra para su templ...

En la seguridad de que a ustedes les gustaría tener conocimiento auténtico de la crisis que actualmente confronta nuestra amada iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día, venimos como hermanos que compar...

En los escritos de Moisés no encontramos un registro de la fidelidad de los hijos de Israel en la tierra de Egipto. Moisés no dice si ellos eran buenos o malos. Pero aquí a través de Ezequiel se n...

Claro es ver que antes que usted y yo podamos estar listos para la traslación, primero debemos estar listos para ir a la Tierra Prometida, para ser limpiados allí, para que allí se quite nuestro co...

Otra vez aquí las promesas están tan claras como las palabras las pueden hacer que después de la dispersión y cautividad, los “muchos días”, el esparcido pueblo de Dios regresará entonces a ...

Sólo por dar la atención a lo que la inspiración dice, y por cerrar todas las voces contrarias a esta Voz, ninguno de nosotros puede sobrevivir al juicio y al lugar seguro en la pronta venida del R...

Ahora desde que el mensaje del Juicio de los Vivos es de más grande importancia que el mensaje del Juicio de los Muertos, es de esperar que la Biblia tenga más que decir acerca del último como del ...

Ahora es su última oportunidad para obtener el urgentemente necesitado aceite para sus lámparas y el urgentemente necesitado ungüento para sus ojos, Ancianos (Apocalipsis 3:18). Si fallan ahora, fa...

Como autorizados representantes del Movimiento Laico estamos en una posición de responder todas las preguntas tales cómo y cuándo vino el movimiento a su existencia. Cómo se mantiene y que hace, e...

Nuestra devota esperanza, Hermanos, es que ustedes se sentarán para negociar y estudiar la Verdad adicional (“Primeros Escritos”, página 277) para que así ustedes no lleven de la mano amargamen...

Desde entonces ninguna iglesia como un todo ha aceptado nunca un nuevo e impopular mensaje, y desde que los ministros han peleado invariablemente con cada nuevo mensaje que ha llegado a las iglesias, ...

Hermano, comience a estudiar por usted mismo, y si usted está realmente buscando la Verdad, hambriento y sediento de Justicia, el Señor le dará por medio de su Espíritu, el correcto entendimiento ...

Este es el día en el que “todas las cosas” están por ser restauradas y este es el día para cada individuo, independiente de otro, decidirá si o no estos profesos de la anti-Vara son los antit...

Este es un mensaje personal para ustedes de cómo prosperar y disfrutar la vida en una máxima medida. La prosperidad y la seguridad están aquí garantizadas - póliza de seguros que no conoce límit...

Desde ahora, no deje para otros el escudriñar de este tema. Luego de escuchar todas las evidencias usted mismo, solo en su cuarto de oración y con la ayuda del Espíritu Santo puede determinar si el...

Los sabios no consideran un juego vender todo lo que tienen con el fin de hacer que el reino les pertenezca. Ellos saben que están adquiriendo una ganga, pues tal inversión los hará ricos. El hombr...

HISTORIA DE LOS DAVIDIANOS - Octubre 26, 1953 a Octubre 24, 1954. Una vez mas, estamos en los umbrales del comienzo de los días, mirando solemnemente hacia atrás en perspectiva sobre lo que hemos s...

“… No hemos de pensar, como los judíos, que nuestras propias ideas y opiniones son infalibles; ni, como los papistas, que ciertos individuos son los únicos guardianes de la verdad y el conocimie...

The mature Christian well knows that he was born into the world to improve it, both spiritually and materially, that he did not come simple to selfishly live in it and depart from it with a big “tha...

Thus as the stone, supernaturally cut out of one mountain, supernaturally turns into another mountain, then fills the whole earth, it reveals the process of the prophecy's turning into history: that t...

The church has turned back from following Christ her Leader and is steadily retreating toward Egypt. Yet few are alarmed or astonished at their want of spiritual power. Doubt, and even disbelief of th...

Many who call themselves Christians are mere human moralists. They have refused the gift which alone could enable them to honor Christ by representing Him to the world. The work of the Holy Spirit is ...

The parable of the eleventh-hour call (Matthew 20) reveals that the Bible contains just 5 time-messages; the first "early in the morning," the second at the "the third hour." The third at the "the six...

.....the Lord is to make up His kingdom at first of the living saints only, as seen from the prophecy of Daniel 2: the "stone" being "cut out" of the mountain (Dan. 2:45), and being symbolical of the ...

.....the Lord is to make up His kingdom at first of the living saints only, as seen from the prophecy of Daniel 2: the "stone" being "cut out" of the mountain (Dan. 2:45), and being symbolical of the ...

Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, [that] in the place where it was said unto them, Ye [are] no...

Every relevant Scriptural consideration dictates that there is only one safe, sane, and honorable course for any of us to pursue when prophetic revelation challenges consideration, especially at this ...

The Code does not intend to convey the idea that no one ever will be qualified to teach, for such a static condition, on the part of God's people, would make them forever unfit to gather in the first ...

Here (Lev. 23:10,11, 14-17, 39) we see commanded the observance of three harvest rites: (1) the ceremony of the wave-sheaf, at the beginning of the first harvest; (2) the ceremony of the wave-loaves, ...

Let me again point out to you the people who are in the greatest danger of failing to serve the Lord as the Spirit directs. This we can again see from the examples of the past. I can go back as far ...

May we all be faithful in this sacred trust that is committed unto us and keep "Mt. Carmel Center" as sacred a place as when Mt. Sinai shook at the presence of the Lord and as it was proven on ancient...

We are happy to announce that the headquarters office of the sealing message moved from Waco to Mt. Carmel Center on September 29 to its new and permanent home location for the proclamation of the mes...

Where is one to look for God's storehouse? -- wherever God's Truth is for today, from wherever "meat in due season" is dispensed. ...

"In the typical service, only those who had come before God with confession and repentance, and whose sins, through the blood of the sin-offering, were transferred to the sanctuary, had a part in the...

therefore the work of Elijah particularly typifies the day of slaughter in the church, and the reign of David, the destruction of the heathen and the possession of the earth (Zech. 12:8, 9; Jer. 30:3,...

Note that not to the Levites, or to some other place or people but into God's storehouse are the tithes and offerings to be brought. And for no other reason than that His storehouse may have the mean...

The words, "the year of My redeemed is come," and "the day of vengeance is in Mine heart," clearly says that the Lord's strange work in Edom and Bozrah is the day of vengeance and a sign of antitypica...

Isa. 8:13 -- "Sanctify the Lord of hosts Himself; and let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread." To sanctify the Lord is to be all for Him, to have no one else in His stead, to put your entire ...

The wise do not consider it a gamble to sell all they have in order to make the kingdom their own. They know that they are getting a bargain, that such an investment will make them rich. Both the man ...

Our past experience has taught us not to believe all we hear. Nevertheless, we forewarn the friends of present truth to be very careful, for it is possible to cast reproach on Christ by casting reproa...

In one of our Los Angeles business meetings a call was made for volunteers who would like to play the part of Caleb and Joshua, saying, "We are well able to take the land." After being promised free t...

The 144,000 are called Israel because their experience is a duplication of that of Ancient Israel going out of Egypt to possess the promised land. Ancient Egypt is a symbol of the world. The Egyptia...

In Christ's day it was just as difficult to bring new truths to the people as it is today. Jesus used every possible means to interest the people in the present Truth of His day, but you know what li...

We have greater evidence in support of our message than the prophets could ever produce in their times. Satan's determined effort now is the same as in times past -- causing the people to acknowledge...

Plainly, then, there are three Pentecosts to be reckoned with in the equation of salvation: two in the past and one in the future, the first being the type, the second the prototype, the third the ant...

The first one to be given the garment is Joshua, the high priest, the highest official in the church. If he has not the garment, then no one else has it either. From this we see that the genuine rev...

Illustrating our salvation in completeness, the harvest rites of the ceremonial system must therefore corroborate both the testimonies of the prophets and the parables concerning the harvest, for all ...

I say that if left in such an unhappy and unholy state the very elect would forever remain unclean and unsanctified -- deceived! And since the eleventh-hour servants, the Davidians, are the ones un...

Because of idolatry, the Assyrian was permitted to take God's ancient people and their pleasant land. And certain it is that the Assyrian will control the land just so long as God's people continue i...

Revelation 7, coming as it does between the closing events of the sixth seal and the opening of the seventh, naturally appears to place the sealing of both the 144,000 and the great multitude among th...

Let all Present Truth believers carefully study the fourth chapter of Zechariah, and take particular notice of the method there illustrated, which God employs to reveal truth to His people. The dilig...

Do not read the Word in the light of former opinions; but, with a mind free from prejudice, search it carefully and prayerfully. If, as you read conviction comes, and you see that your cherished opin...

Just as Christ arose on the very day the sheaf was to be offered, likewise the Holy Spirit fell upon the 120 disciples on the very day the wave-loaves were to be presented before the Lord....

Throughout the parable of the sower, Christ represents the different results of the sowing as depending upon the soil. In every case the sower and the seed are the same. Thus He teaches that if the w...

"The investigative judgment" decides the cases of those who have professed faith in God, and who in consequence have had their names recorded in the books (Dan. 7:10), but some of whom have not endure...

The first and most important thing that takes place in this solemn assembly, is the opening of the book. It should be remembered, too, that the book is sealed with seven seals (Rev. 5:1). It being i...

He, though, who is persuaded, and who walks in the light, will experience joy inexpressible: He will receive the "mark" (Ezek. 9:4), the "seal" (Rev. 7:2, 3), of God's approval. His sins will be blot...

If any sin be committed by such an one, it will not be a known or willful sin. "To him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin" (Jas. 4:17), and not to the other. Consequently, he ...

Wonderful indeed is the way in which God has worked out the plan of salvation and revealed it step by step as necessary. When in 1844 the investigative judgment of the dead and the ingathering of the ...

The church seems too well versed as to the time probation closes for the world, but not at all informed that probation for her members closes at the very time they reject a heaven-sent message. Here ...

Just as Christ arose on the very day the sheaf was to be offered, likewise the Holy Spirit fell upon the 120 disciples on the very day the wave-loaves were to be presented before the Lord. The apostol...

Doubtless to some, these numerical equations will seem strange---as strange as the thought of the earth's revolving on its axis was to the world of the Dark Ages! It is the incredibilities of today, ...

Thus is the church purified and thus are the tares destroyed. As tares they are burned; as unprofitable workers they are cast into outer darkness there to weep and gnash their teeth; as unfit guests ...

Do you now realize that not only the time of trouble is at the door, but even this special resurrection? Do you actually see that in the time of trouble, while the living saints are being delivered t...

The knowledge of present truth, which the five foolish virgins possessed since 1844 is the judgment of the dead, and was the only oil in their lamps. When the judgment of the living commenced, and th...

That part of the Investigative Judgment of the living, by which is determined who are to have their sins blotted out and, as a result, be given eternal life, is paralleled on earth by the work of th...

That part of the Investigative Judgment of the living, by which is determined who are to have their sins blotted out and, as a result, be given eternal life, is paralleled on earth by the work of th...

Just as Christ arose on the very day the sheaf was to be offered, likewise the Holy Spirit fell upon the 120 disciples on the very day the wave-loaves were to be presented before the Lord. The aposto...

Wonderful indeed is the way in which God has worked out the plan of salvation and revealed it step by step as necessary. When in 1844 the investigative judgment of the dead and the ingathering of th...

In spite of the calamities that were to overtake the children of Israel, they were to become very numerous. And when they are thus greatly multiplied, they are again to be called the sons of God. An...

In erecting the second temple, Haggai and Zechariah prophesied and strengthened the hands of the people by the Word of God. The writings of both prophets bear evidence in every line, that the perfect...

We earnestly ask that all join at the appointed hour in this mighty prayer bank which is to shake the world. “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts,” is our work to...

In the days of this antitypical David God gathers His flock from all the countries where they have been scattered, and brings them into their own land. God will no longer leave them in the mountains ...

God will have but one mouthpiece to teach His people in the establishing of His Kingdom, as He prophetically tells us in unmistakable language: "And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall ...

So, only those who survive the Judgment for the Living, in the house of God (1 Pet. 4:17), those whose names are not blotted out from the Book (Rev. 3:5) will comprise the church, among whom are to be...

A great day is coming, Brother, Sister. If that day was not right at hand, we would not today have this light cast on our pathway. Let us therefore work for the upbuilding of the Lord's Kingdom, tha...

Once again we stand at the threshold of the beginning of Days, solemnly looking back in perspective upon what we have been; hopefully looking forward in vision to what we may become. Day of reckoning ...

Here in prophetic utterance is not only a promise to purify the church when modern Assyria is being crushed, but also a suggestive statement as to what constitutes "meat in due season" for men today; ...

The date of that most glorious event for the righteous, but exceeding solemn for the wicked, will be made known at the fulfillment of the following verse: "And the angel took the censer, and filled it...

Though the work, moreover, is to have a small, hard, mattock-like beginning, it will gain speed and will emerge from the mattock stage into the ox-plow stage -- the stage which will see all the beli...

What is the difference between "revival" and "reformation"? -- Revival means to bring the spiritual qualities back to life; to quicken the mind and the heart to the upbuilding of the spiritual phase ...

The word of God is to have a sanctifying effect on our association with every member of the human family. The leaven of truth will not produce the spirit of rivalry, the love of ambition, the desire t...

Moreover, as there is no truth where there is no type, the working out of divine design, in ordaining and establishing, on Friday, the sixth day of creation, the marriage institution, and on the seven...

The Association's literature, The Shepherd's Rod Series, draws its title from the rod of Moses the shepherd of Midian. In the exodus of his day, it was that rod which emancipated the children of Isra...

Since His sheep know not faces, but know voices, then, those who pay attention to faces and who cannot differentiate between voice and voice are sure to be misled by self-appointed shepherds. ...

Though it is the crowning work of our salvation and of the setting up of the kingdom of Christ upon earth, yet the "investigative judgment" is one of the least understood and most mystified and confus...

So, there must come a day of reckoning, a day when the names of those who are found unworthy of eternal life will be blotted out of the Lamb's Book of Life -- a proceeding for which the only correct t...

A Psalm [or] Song for the sabbath day. [It is a] good [thing] to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High: To show forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy fai...

"Then said he unto me, These waters issue out towards the east country, and go down into the desert, and go into the sea." (Ezek. 47:8.) It is remarkable to note how perfect these symbols are in each...

Following the completion of the "slaughter," and just preceding the scattering of the "coals of fire" "over the city," "the cherubims stood on the right side of the house,...and the cloud filled the ...

What is more, should God send another than Elijah, that is, someone with a message other than of the great and dreadful day of the Lord, he will not claim to be the Elijah, he will not lie. Hence, fo...

When we love God supremely, temporal things will occupy their right place in our affections. If we humbly and earnestly seek for knowledge and ability in order to make a right use of our Lord's goods,...

You may have to punish with the rod; this is sometimes essential, but defer any settlement of the difficulty until you have settled the case with yourselves. Ask yourself, Have I submitted my way and ...

The Love of Jesus to Be Mirrored in the Parents.-- When the mother has gained the confidence of her children and taught them to love and obey her, she has given them the first lesson in the Christian ...

The mother is the queen of the home, and the children are her subjects. She is to rule her household wisely, in the dignity of her motherhood. Her influence in the home is to be paramount; her word, l...

Once again we stand at the threshold of the beginning of Days, solemnly looking back in perspective upon what we have been; hopefully looking forward in vision to what we may become. Day of reckoning ...

Study the message for yourselves, and forbid that any flesh interfere with your salvation. Make your own decision independently of any man, and know for yourself that God is leading you as He did wh...

Thus towers forth the structure of truth, sending forth the message that the kingdom is to be restored by the antitypical prophet Elijah, just before the close of probation, but that the earth being ...

Here the Scriptures point out that someone in the spirit and power of Elijah the prophet is first to appear, and will not only prepare the way, but will also restore all things. Plainly, the message...

But if you are aware that your garments are filthy, and your iniquity not blotted out; if you realize that you are to walk in God's ways as He directs through the Joshua of today, if you are all for ...

That John was not in any sense of the word fulfilling the mission of the Elijah who is to come before the great and dreadful day of the Lord, but that he, the last prophet to the church of his day, si...

Remember we anciently lost the Kingdom because of disobeying His commandments and statutes, and it is certain that he will not take us back into it so long as we neglect to take heed to His voice. An...

(1) The doctrine of faith that made the Lutheran denomination; (2) the doctrine of the Spirit that made the Presbyterian denomination; (3) the doctrine of grace that made the Methodist denomination; (...

Home should be made all that the word implies. It should be a little heaven upon earth, a place where the affections are cultivated instead of being studiously repressed. Our happiness depends upon th...

The message, moreover, teaches that we should remain in the mother church and work strictly for her salvation. The conclusion then is that as long as we stay with her, there seems to be no need for o...

He who really means to be present and accounted for in the swift-coming Kingdom of God is perseveringly exploring and applying the divine principles and laws of the Science of Salvation. He is earnes...

The only law of Moses, therefore, that we can possibly be admonished to remember, is the third part of his law: the moral law, which consists of the things that pertain to us as individuals, the thing...

Parents should seek to comprehend the fact that they are to train their children for the courts of God. When they are entrusted with children, it is the same as though Christ placed them in their arms...

Is there any way whereby we can determine the time of the opening of the seal, and the commencement of the judgment for the living? If God so faithfully revealed to the living the commencement of the...

Hence there are two sealings, in two different periods: first, the sealing, in the beginning work for the church, of those who died under the Third Angel's Message since 1844, and second, the sealing,...

Let us all, as a Davidian band, remember that we are called to the high office of conservators of the gospel, restorers of the old paths, repairers of the breach. We are called as the first of the "f...

So, there must come a day of reckoning, a day when the names of those who are found unworthy of eternal life will be blotted out of the Lamb's Book of Life -- a proceeding for which the only correct...

Going back for a moment to the historical approach to our subject, we recall that after Solomon's death, the Israelite nation (the twelve tribes) was divided into two separate kingdoms (1 Kings 11:11,...

Because of the abundance of light the Lord is sending us at this time, we are liable to overlook the fact that the mind, like the stomach, can only handle so much food, and, in our zeal to give the fl...

The truth therefore is trouble-free: Between the Judgment of the dead and the Judgment of the living stands the half-hour silence, the time absorbed in bringing the first Judicial session to a close a...

All that are found members of the church up to the fulfillment of Ezekiel Nine will either receive the seal and be a part of or with the 144,000, or else be left without the seal and fall under the "s...

The time has come when the following appeal can no longer go unheeded with impunity: "Many fields ripe for the harvest have not yet been entered, because of our lack of self-sacrificing helpers. These...

I say that if left in such an unhappy and unholy state the very elect would forever remain unclean and unsanctified -- deceived! And since the eleventh-hour servants, the Davidians, are the ones un...

The human family have scarcely begun to live when they begin to die, and the world's incessant labor ends in nothingness unless a true knowledge in regard to eternal life is gained. The man who apprec...

"Throughout the parable of the sower, Christ represents the different results of the sowing as depending upon the soil. In every case the sower and the seed are the same. Thus He teaches that if the...

"And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do fol...

Do you now realize that not only the time of trouble is at the door, but even this special resurrection? Do you actually see that in the time of trouble, while the living saints are being delivered t...

Let us therefore covenant with the Lord that henceforth we shall neither accept nor advance as revealed truth any private interpretation of the Scriptures. And to keep understandingly inviolate this s...

We are happy to announce that the headquarters office of the sealing message moved from Waco to Mt. Carmel Center on September 29 to its new and permanent home location for the proclamation of the mes...

What the world needs today is not preachers, but teachers who can teach with one hand and use the pick or the shovel with the other hand. Neither is the world in need of men "angling" for Moses' and ...

An upright, honest-hearted farmer, who had been led to doubt the divine authority of the Scriptures, yet who sincerely desired to know the truth, was the man specially chosen of God to lead out in the...

"And it shall come to pass, that the fishers shall stand upon it from En-gedi even unto En-eglaim; they [the two cities] shall be a place to spread forth nets." (Ezek. 47:10.) These two cities reveal...

"Ye shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest unto the priest: and he shall wave the sheaf before the Lord, to be accepted for you: on the morrow after the Sabbath the priest shall wave ...

The most common cause of doctrinal confusion among Bible students lies in their so very frequently failing to view a subject in full perspective from the writer's point of view, -- a failing which re...

"For, behold, in those days, and in that time when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, a...

The cases of all who are sealed from 1929 to the final close of probation will be investigated before the throne in the heavenly sanctuary while living. The investigation commences after the fulfillm...

"Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolis...

The meek of the earth are those who have wrought the Lord's judgments, who have proclaimed the message of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. They are His people, His church. The nation that is ...

Clearly, then, the bowl in which the golden oil is stored, symbolizes the storehouse of Present Truth -- the Word interpreted. The only "storehouse" that contains inspired comments on both Testament...

Clearly, then, the bowl in which the golden oil is stored, symbolizes the storehouse of Present Truth -- the Word interpreted. The only "storehouse" that contains inspired comments on both Testament...

Hence the logical name that would represent her work from this time down to the time the Kingdom is set up, is to be Davidian Seventh-day Adventists, -- a name that testifies of the Kingdom message, ...

The angels who are round about the throne in the heavenly sanctuary during the judgment of Daniel 7:9, 10 and of Revelation 5:11 shall, as the parables explain, descend with "the Son of man" when He c...

Now let us consider the truth as taught by the last seal. Note carefully the order of each act. The seal is opened, and silence follows, for it reads: "and when he had opened the seventh seal there ...

after the historical Minneapolis meeting in 1888, when the leaders rejected both the message and the counsel which was given them (Testimonies To Ministers, p. 468) the Lord did not any longer regard ...

Those who cannot undergo the trial are laid in their graves," requires that it be fulfilled before Eze. 9. Hence, it can only apply to the righteous who die under the Third Angel's Message up to the p...

As we see our sisters departing from simplicity in dress, and cultivating a love for the fashions of the world, we feel troubled. By taking steps in this direction, they are separating themselves fro...

Being of cut stalks of grain, the wave-sheaf signified fruits to be harvested. And as the sheaf was to be offered before the sickle was put to the grain and gathered into sheaves, it obviously pointed...

"The seven lamps . . . which are the seven Spirits of God." (Rev. 4:5.) This Scripture proves the fact that light and truth are revealed by the Spirit of God only. "But the Comforter, which is the Ho...

In the year 1930, God spoke to His people, as He spoke to Israel in the days of Joshua, but now, as then, there are among us, to discourage and dishearten, the ten spies, Korah, Dathan, and Abiram (Nu...

The work which Mt. Carmel Center is doing is that of proclaiming the sealing message of the 144,000, the "closing work for the church," which is "forcibly set forth by the prophet's illustration of th...

Moreover, as the SRod is the Elijah message (T.M. 475), it is impossible for anyone who accepts it and lives it to die, for the type demands translation. Thus it is that Elijah stands as a type of the...

Sin had become a science, and vice was consecrated as a part of religion. Rebellion had struck its roots deep into the heart, and the hostility of man was most violent against heaven. It was demonstra...

So before a person can climb the ladder of Truth, he must first of all free himself from erroneous theories, which keep him bound in darkness. And to loose himself from such weights of error so as to...

Praise ye the LORD: for [it is] good to sing praises unto our God; for [it is] pleasant; [and] praise is comely. -- Psalm 147:1...

There were three annual feasts, the Passover, the Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles, at which all the men of Israel were commanded to appear before the Lord at Jerusalem. Of these feasts the Pas...

The rabbis knew that Jesus had not been instructed in their schools; yet His understanding of the prophecies far exceeded theirs. In this thoughtful Galilean boy they discerned great promise. They des...

In every gentle and submissive way, Jesus tried to please those with whom He came in contact. Because He was so gentle and unobtrusive, the scribes and elders supposed that He would be easily influenc...

When the chariots rage in the streets, when they jostle one against another in the broadways, when they speed like lightning, and glare like torches, in that day shall one who dashes in pieces prepare...

Jesus was misunderstood by His brothers because He was not like them. His standard was not their standard. In looking to men they had turned away from God, and they had not His power in their lives. T...

A detailed demonstration of this purification of the church is projected in Ezekiel's prophecy. There the Lord commands him who records the life history, the angel with the writer's inkhorn, to go th...

From among the faithful in Israel, who had long waited for the coming of the Messiah, the forerunner of Christ arose. The aged priest Zacharias and his wife Elisabeth were "both righteous before God;"...

Because Syria, Ephraim, and the son of Remaliah, have taken evil counsel against thee, saying, Let us go up against Judah, and vex it, and let us make a breach therein for us, and set a king in the mi...

As a prophet, John was "to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord." In preparing the way for Christ...

Thus, while the five men with the slaughter weapons are taking away those represented by the tares within the church, there will be silence in heaven for about half an hour (seven days), after which t...

When the cry is made, "Behold, the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him," all ten virgins see that the light of their lamps is going out; they see that the message of the Judgment of the dead is p...

Here we see commanded the observance of three harvest rites: (1) the ceremony of the wave-sheaf, at the beginning of the first harvest; (2) the ceremony of the wave-loaves, at the close of the first h...

The Lord's Supper was ordained in remembrance of the Lord's sacrifice, not to cleanse the partakers of it from their sins but to cleanse them from sinners, as is seen from the Passover in Egypt and fr...

Any explanation of a prophecy which adds to or takes from any part of relevant scripture in order to harmonize the interpretation, can only be false. When the Spirit of God interprets the Scriptures, ...

Consequently, as our leading brethren have inadvertently shown themselves unworthy stewards of God's "storehouse" for the time of the "Loud Cry of the Third Angel's Message," He has transferred the "...

Suppose you would add an element to the milk, would it not be a strange one? And if it be a strange one to the milk, would it be foreign to the human system? If this be true, we must conclude it wou...

Suppose you would add an element to the milk, would it not be a strange one? And if it be a strange one to the milk, would it be foreign to the human system? If this be true, we must conclude it wou...

Because of the supreme worth of the work at stake, and the shortness of time in which to accomplish it, we therefore address you at this time to encourage you anew to continue, and even step up if pos...

The self-centered shepherds against whom the prophet is told to write, are to be replaced by one shepherd, David. When this takes place God's people will then have but one shepherd. This, of course,...

I am, however, certain that God will not keep us ignorant of the things we ought to know. If it becomes necessary for us to know ahead of time the day and hour of the purification of the church, the ...

And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and wh...

Amid discord and strife, a voice was heard from the wilderness, a voice startling and stern, yet full of hope: "Repent ye; for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." With a new, strange power it moved the...

"Are we giving the 11th hour message now or will it not be given until after the fulfillment of Eze. 9? Has the angel that is to lighten the earth with his glory (E.W. 277) already come?" If the quest...

Here is a beast whose make-up is similar to that of the leopard-like beast of chapter 13. The horns of this scarlet-colored beast, though, are crownless, and none of his heads are wounded. Also, rat...

"I indeed baptize you in water unto repentance," said John; "but He that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire...

We should meditate upon the Scriptures, thinking soberly and candidly upon the things that pertain to our eternal salvation. The infinite mercy and love of Jesus, the sacrifice made in our behalf, cal...

Jesus did not receive baptism as a confession of guilt on His own account. He identified Himself with sinners, taking the steps that we are to take, and doing the work that we must do. His life of suf...

Su objeto principal es revelar el hecho de que ha llegado el momento de que el Señor manifieste su poder y unifique y purifique a la iglesia de Dios — llamándola a levantarse de su lecho polvorien...

The Movement led by the Rod today is the only Movement in Christendom fitting the type--the Israel of Joshua's day: like it, drawing its followers only from the parent Movement, and having as its thre...

Dear Fellow Davidians, We are happy to distribute our first series of The Symbolic Code, publishing information relative to Present Truth. Let us pray to this end, that it will grow with mushroom spee...

In the year 1930, God again spoke to His people, as He spoke to Israel in the days of Joshua, but now, as then, there are among us the ten spies, the Korahs, Dathans, and Abirams, and the Achans--all ...

He who is unforgiving, cuts off the very channel through which alone he can receive mercy from God. We should not think that unless those who have injured us confess the wrong, we are justified in wi...

Thou shalt keep therefore his statutes, and his commandments, which I command thee this day, that it may go well with thee, and with thy children after thee, and that thou mayest prolong [thy] days up...

Let children carefully remember that at the best the aged parents have but little joy and comfort. What can bring greater sorrow to their hearts than manifest neglect on the part of their children? W...

It was the prevalence of this very sin, fornication, among ancient Israel, which brought upon them the signal manifestation of God's displeasure. His judgments then followed close upon their heinous ...

By accepting Christ, man is reconciled to God, justified by His blood for the sins of the past, and saved from the power of sin by his indwelling life. Thus the gospel becomes 'the power of God unto s...

By a glance of the eye, a motion of the hand, an expression of the countenance, a falsehood may be told as effectually as by words. All intentional overstatement, every hint or insinuation calculated ...

And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all His commandments which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy God will set ...

But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord Thy God, to observe to do all His commandments and His statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shal...

Are not these tests strong enough to convince any of you that the secret things of God, such as the concealed prophecies, are not disclosed by finite men, -- no, not by the Devil either, that when God...

Not without a struggle could Jesus listen in silence to the arch-deceiver. But the Son of God was not to prove His divinity to Satan, or to explain the reason of His humiliation. By conceding to the d...

The remnant that are left, the saints who were not swallowed by the Dragon's flood as the earth opened her mouth, you note have the "testimony of Jesus Christ," the living Spirit of Prophecy active in...

Of all the lessons to be learned from our Lord's first great temptation none is more important than that bearing upon the control of the appetites and passions. In all ages, temptations appealing to t...

Your obeying "all the commandments, and the statutes, and the judgments" of the moral law of Moses, you see, is your evidence that you have been born again, that you have been endowed with power from ...

Yet we should not lose courage when assailed by temptation. Often when placed in a trying situation we doubt that the Spirit of God has been leading us. But it was the Spirit's leading that brought Je...

Before his conversion Paul had regarded himself as blameless "touching the righteousness which is in the law." Philippians 3:6. But since his change of heart he had gained a clear conception of the mi...

Now the only safe and sane procedure is to read closely every page of the solemn message contained herein. Let not a line escape your attention. Study every word carefully and prayerfully. Be an ea...

Never can the cost of our redemption be realized until the redeemed shall stand with the Redeemer before the throne of God. Then as the glories of the eternal home burst upon our enraptured senses we ...

The Holy Spirit is Christ's representative, but divested of the personality of humanity, and independent thereof. Cumbered with humanity, Christ could not be in every place personally. Therefore it wa...

Jesus came in poverty and humiliation, that He might be our example as well as our Redeemer. If He had appeared with kingly pomp, how could He have taught humility? how could He have presented such cu...

Though the work, moreover is to have a small hard, mattock-like beginning it will gain speed and will emerge from the mattock stage into the ox-plow stage -- the stage which will see all the believers...

The teaching of Christ was the expression of an inwrought conviction and experience, and those who learn of Him become teachers after the divine order. The word of God, spoken by one who is himself sa...

At the beginning of the judgments of God they saw their mistake and rushed for the ark of safety, but it was beyond their reach for they knew nothing of the message, and by the time they acquired it (...

As men set forth the best wine first, then afterward that which is worse, so does the world with its gifts. That which it offers may please the eye and fascinate the senses, but it proves to be unsati...

The men with the slaughter weapons must immediately follow the one with the writer's inkhorn. God must separate His people if the marking is to be of any value and except the separation takes place, ...

Note that the "woman" sits on the "waters," also on the "heads," and on the beast." (See Rev. 17:1, 3, 9.) As it would be impossible for one person to sit on all three objects at one time, the prophe...

Su objetivo principal es revelar el hecho de que ha llegado el momento de que el Señor manifieste Su poder y unifique, y purifique a la iglesia de Dios — llamándola a levantarse de su lecho polvor...

This is the electronic version of the official organ of The Davidian Seventh-day Adventist Association. If you would like a hard copy mailed to you, please send your name and address to scode@gadsda.c...

The world government which is to develop from the "League of Nations" and the "United Nations," is not actually to be absolutely universal, and there are still to be "two worlds," but rather than ther...

As disciples of Christ we shall not mingle with the world from a mere love of pleasure, to unite with them in folly. Such associations can result only in harm. We should never give sanction to sin by ...

The priests and rulers were called to be the representatives of God to the nation; they should have corrected the abuses of the temple court. They should have given to the people an example of integri...

The people pressed into Christ's presence with urgent, pitiful appeals: Master, bless me. His ear heard every cry. With pity exceeding that of a tender mother He bent over the suffering little ones. A...

Nicodemus had come to the Lord thinking to enter into a discussion with Him, but Jesus laid bare the foundation principles of truth. He said to Nicodemus, It is not theoretical knowledge you need so m...

While the wind is itself invisible, it produces effects that are seen and felt. So the work of the Spirit upon the soul will reveal itself in every act of him who has felt its saving power. When the S...

We can receive of heaven's light only as we are willing to be emptied of self. We cannot discern the character of God, or accept Christ by faith, unless we consent to the bringing into captivity of ev...

This is the electronic version of the official organ of The Davidian Seventh-day Adventist Association. If you would like a hard copy mailed to you, please send your name and address to scode@gadsda.c...

He who seeks to quench his thirst at the fountains of this world will drink only to thirst again. Everywhere men are unsatisfied. They long for something to supply the need of the soul. Only One can m...

Su objetivo principal es revelar el hecho de que ha llegado el momento de que el Señor manifieste Su poder y unifique, y purifique a la iglesia de Dios -- llamándola a levantarse de su lecho polvor...

The Majesty of heaven identifies His interests with those of the believers, however humble may be their circumstances. And wherever they are privileged to meet together, it is appropriate that they sp...

Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon H...

And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever.” (Daniel 12:3.) They who are “wise” are the ones who...

And, finally, the only revelation pertaining to and coming "at a year," and preparing the four angels "for to slay the third part of men" is says the Lord, "the year of My redeemed." Isa. 63:4. And ...

Now that you plainly see the signs and the time of our redemption and of the day of God's vengeance against unrepented sinners fast approaching, you are urged to make ready, to sigh and cry against th...

All should have something to say for the Lord, for by so doing they will be blest. A book of remembrance is written of those who do not forsake the assembling of themselves together, but speak often o...

It is at midnight that God manifests His power for the deliverance of His people. The sun appears, shining in its strength. Signs and wonders follow in quick succession. The wicked look with terror an...

God has given us the whole of six days in which to do our work, and has reserved only one to Himself. This should be a day of blessing to us--a day when we should lay aside all our secular matters and...

We should not come together to remain silent; those only are remembered of the Lord who assemble to speak of His honor and glory and tell of His power; upon such the blessing of God will rest, and the...

Until now, we have been merely trifling with the Lord's adversaries but now we must get down to business regardless who hears it. His people must now forever turn from man's sayings, whatever they be...

The cry of Christ to the thirsty soul is still going forth, and it appeals to us with even greater power than to those who heard it in the temple on the last day of the feast. The fountain is open for...

Our God is wonderful indeed! He retains not His anger. He delights in mercy. He remembers not the sins of the penitent, He casts them away where they cannot be found anymore....

The Lord has lent men talents to improve, Those whom He has entrusted with money are to bring their talent of means to the Master. Men and women of influence are to use that which God has given them. ...

Those who work for Christ are to be upright and trustworthy, firm as a rock to principle, and at the same time kind and courteous. Courtesy is one of the graces of the Spirit. To deal with human minds...

If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, [from] doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways,...

Rather than let all as a people suffer the consequences of sin, the Lord at this time promises to avenge only His enemies, His adversaries that are within His church. He will purge and purify His chu...

Brother, Sister, are you prepared to abide the day of His coming? Will it be to you a great and glorious day? or will it be a dreadful day? Will you find yourself at His right, or at His left? Wil...

It is at midnight that God manifests His power for the deliverance of His people. The sun appears, shining in its strength. Signs and wonders follow in quick succession. The wicked look with terror a...

The Bible is the revelation of creation and redemption in Christ -- Creator and Redeemer. Therefore, the Sabbath and the Sanctuary constitute "The Truth." (See Hebrews 9:10, 4:4-10.) Thus these two ...

God, who is so particular for the good of His church in revealing His truth to His people, has presented to us wonderful pictures of historical events; which is the evidence of love everlasting for Is...

In our day there is an even greater flood of private interpreters of the Scriptures (the cause of today's isms) than there was in Moses' day. And according to Revelation 12:15, 16, the Lord warns tha...

This is the electronic version of the official organ of The Davidian Seventh-day Adventist Association. If you would like a hard copy mailed to you, please send your name and address to scode@gadsda.c...

Clear it is that after the dispersion of the Jews, and after the destruction of Old Jerusalem, in the Christian era, the last days, then it is that the restoration of all things takes place; and the f...

Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets." "By a prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophets was he preserved." "Believe in t...

If the leaders in the cause of truth show no zeal, if they are indifferent and purposeless, the church will be careless, indolent, and pleasure-loving; but if they are filled with a holy purpose to se...

To prevent His people from bringing upon themselves such a catastrophe, and to have them intelligent as to the time the year begins, the Lord gave to Moses the sacred yearly calendar, which cannot be ...

But Jesus had "steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem." The one law of His life was the Father's will. In the visit to the temple in His boyhood, He had said to Mary, "Wist ye not that I must be ...

It has been previously explained that number "ten" is a symbol of universal, and the number four completeness of the earth or the four points of the compass. Thus it symbolically denotes that the mes...

Consequently, the Lone Star state, being in the midst of the land for both Americas, North and South, is the place where we must set the "camp," so that the light may be equally diffused east and west...

The Harvest, the time from the baptism of Christ to the close of probation is shown to be illustrated by twelve figurative months -- six from Christ's baptism to His crucifixion, five from the crucifi...

This is the electronic version of our Symbolic Code, the official organ of The Davidian Seventh-day Adventist Association. This issue is Volume 2022, Nos. 1-4, being our first issue for 2022 - brighte...

"Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils," the Lord commands. By turning the minds of men to lean on human wisdom, we place a veil between God and man, so that there is not a seeing of Him ...

All present truth believers should now see the necessity of shunning every wind of doctrine regardless how plausible or reasonable it might appear to be. Remember the words: "Behold, those that go t...

Greetings Brethren, The Second issue of The 2022 Symbolic Code, the official organ of The Davidian Seventh-day Adventist Association, comes knocking - brighter, better, and best of all, even more soul...

We are pleased to announce that the third Issue of the 2022 Symbolic Code series is now available electronically. Here is your eagerly awaited sit-down dinner of spiritual “butter and honey”. Plea...

We are pleased to announce that the first Issue of the 2023 Symbolic Code series is now available electronically. Here is your eagerly awaited sit-down dinner of spiritual “butter and honey”. Plea...

We are pleased to announce that the second Issue of the 2023 Symbolic Code series is now available electronically. Here is your eagerly awaited sit-down dinner of spiritual “butter and honey”. Ple...

We are pleased to announce that our third and final Issue for 2023 of the Symbolic Code series, Vol. 2023 The Symbolic Code Nos. 8-12, is now available electronically. Here is your eagerly awaited sit...
