To Whom Is Antitypical Elijah Sent, Continued – July 25, 2020
You know by now that Malachi, chapters 3 and 4, prophetically speak to the people of today, to the people just...
You know by now that Malachi, chapters 3 and 4, prophetically speak to the people of today, to the people just...
From the commandment to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem to Messiah the Prince, to Christ, there were to be 7 weeks (49 years),...
Hence the logical name that would represent her work from this time down to the time the Kingdom is set up, is to...
The Judgment for the Dead, furthermore, is not the message of "the great and dreadful day." It does not even touch on...
Clearly, then, the bowl in which the golden oil is stored, symbolizes the storehouse of Present Truth -- the Word interpreted....
Clearly, then, the bowl in which the golden oil is stored, symbolizes the storehouse of Present Truth -- the Word interpreted....
Let all Present Truth believers carefully study the fourth chapter of Zechariah, and take particular notice of the method there illustrated, which God...
Judas would introduce texts of Scripture that had no connection with the truths Christ was presenting. These texts, separated from their connection, perplexed...
Each must be faithful in his duties, as was Daniel, so that he bring no reproach against his religious profession, but rather, by...
The meek of the earth are those who have wrought the Lord's judgments, who have proclaimed the message of the great and dreadful...
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