Do not henceforth leave in the hands of others your investigation of the subject. After hearing the evidences, you alone in the closet of prayer and w...
The mature Christian well knows that he was born into the world to improve it, both spiritually and materially, that he did not come simple to selfish...
PRINCIPLE ONE: “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God....not on...
Its educational processes therefore having to do with the whole man for time and for eternity, Mt. Carmel’s constant aim is to educate hand, mind, a...
The primary purpose of The Shepherd’s Rod is to unlock the long-concealed mystery concerning the ever-challenging and much discussed subject of the ...
The reader will well appreciate the fact that the importance of this health-bringing agent is in some respects similar to that of the gospel, because ...
Provisional in set-up as well as in name, the Davidian Seventh-day Adventist Association exists solely to accomplish a divinely appointed work within ...
Never did the clouds of war, so strange and so dark hang in an angry thunder-head over the world, and never did the world see itself as it does today....