
The last hour, the eleventh–the most momentous in history–is about to strike, when the billions of earth are to hear the gospel’s final plea, and Mercy’s farewell cry to unrepenting sinners. Upon the purity of this final message and the force given to it now...

Families have been afflicted with fevers some of their members have died, and the remaining portion of the family circle have almost murmured against their Maker because of their distressing bereavements, when the sole cause of all their sickness and death has been the result...

The human family of this present generation are suffering more and more ill health in direct proportion to their decreasing use of the raw vegetables. Some have already gone so far in this way of wrong living, that even if they would now completely reform...

How important, then, that prayer meet the conditions laid down–be correct, scientific, inspired! This weighty truth will compel the whole-souled believer critically to re-examine his entire prayer life to make certain that it is not unscientific and uninspired and thus ineffectual–a fraud and a cheat...

“The false idea entertained by many, that the restraining of children is an injury, is ruining thousands upon thousands. Satan will surely take possession of the children if you are not on your guard.”–“Testimonies,” Vol. 5, p. 541. “Weakness in requiring obedience, and false love and...

We hear much about the pestilential habit of “Gossip,” which sickens us to the depths, for we as a people hear instruction without stint on the subject, but we obey it not. However, though it is not as sweet music to our ears, we must...

Many who profess Present Truth do not whole-heartedly believe and practice what is written in the Code. In truth, doubt and disbelief in the Code is in varying degrees, leavening our companies everywhere. And only a few, “a handful to the tribes,” as it were,...

If all Present Truth believers respond to this urgent and worthy call [to contribute towards school maintenance], then the problem of maintaining the school and of securing a Christian education for the children will be forever solved. But be it known, Brother, Sister, that if...
