20 Feb 1961 — Executive Council Minutes
Mt. Carmel Center
Waco, Texas
Held in the Office of the Vice-President
9:00 A.M. February 20, 1961
On the agenda for the meeting were the following: the proposed sale of the farm, the church and Old Mt. Carmel and also the closing of the Mercantile.
As a preface to prayer Psalms 23 was read then G. W. Saether and J. R. Custer prayed.
It was reported that George Heusser made it known that he may be obliged to resign from the farm and dairy because his own interests may demand that he return to Oregon soon. He had agreed to stay two years and he has only one more year left on this agreement. In that case he would have to train a successor and who would that be? It seemed to be the opinion that Wendell Springer might lack the capabilities necessary to take Heusser’s place and Wendell seemed to be the only one available. Wendell is also subject to the draft.
George Heusser reported that he estimated that the farm income for the next year or so would net about $14,000 per year. It was pointed out that if all the surplus property were sold and financed the interest income might amount to about that figure.
It was suggested:
The that the down payments on sales could be set aside for the second tithe reserve fund;
That the monthly payments be used for gospel work;
That taxes, maintenance, labor and other costs would be saved;
That the Mercantile is not paying and should be disbanded and unnecessary equipment be sold.
J. O. Conrad moved that the Association offer the church property including five acres, more or less, to the Marlin Radio Company, KMLW, for $23,000 and that the Association would be willing to finance it, if necessary.
J. R. Custer seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.
It was moved by W. Saether and seconded by T. O. Hermanson that the Association put up for sale an approximately 835 acres including the following buildings, at $113,000, plus the dairy herd of 140 head consisting of 98 cows, 22 springers and 20 calves for $34,000 and also the farm machinery for $28,000 or a total of $175,000:
List of Buildings
Dairy Barn
Old Laundry Building (without sides)
Hay Barn
Farm House
Implement Shed (large)
Small Implement Shed
Carpenter Shop
Garage and Machine Shop
Electric Supply Building (small white)
(All the above are on the east side of the county road.)
The following buildings on the west side of the County road:
Calf Barn
Horse Barn
6 Galvanized Grain Storage Buildings Granary
Cattle Barn
That the financing will be carried by the Association, if necessary, and that the Council authorize Mr. Bill Allen to be the exclusive agent for a period of six months @ 5% commission with a guarantee by him that he will extensively advertise the property for the full six months.
The vote in favor of this motion was unanimous.
J. R. Custer now moved that the Association sell the property at the Old Mt. Carmel including B-8, B-8 garage, the Cafeteria Building and the land from the middle of the private road and continuing in a curving line at the same distance from Mountainview Drive as it was from the middle of the private road. The price would be $60,000 with financing by the Association if necessary.
That the Association also sell the two lots north of the private road facing Mt. Carmel Drive at the competitive Price, with the Association financing if necessary. There was a second to this is motion by Mrs. Sopha Hermanson and the approval of it was unanimous.
It was decided to close out the Mercantile as soon as possible, not stocking anymore goods, excepting perhaps such items as milk and bread, fruit and vegetables, and vitamins, and then closing out the sale of all goods. The meeting closed at 6:00 P.M.
Members present:
Mrs. Mary Alen
J. O. Conrad
J. R. Custer
Mrs. Sopha Hermanson
T. O. Hermanson
Mrs. Florence Houteff
G. W. Saether
[Signed] Mrs. Florence Houteff, Chairman
[Signed] J. O. Conrad, Secretary
This report Prepared by
[Not signed] Geo. W. Saether, Assistant Secretary
Approved: March 19, 1961
P.O. BOX 94
March 3, 1961
Mrs. Florence Houteff,
Mount Carmel Center,
Route 7,
Waco, Texas.
Dear Mrs. Houteff:
Replying to yours of February 24, 1961, with reference to changing the name of the Association, we have to advise as follows:
Since the name is set forth in the Constitution, it will be necessary that the Constitution be amended. No change in the by-laws will be necessary provided the resolution changing the name of the Association recites that any reference in the by-laws to “Davidian Seventh-day Adventists” or “General Association of Davidian Seventh-day Adventists” shall hereafter be construed to mean_____________________. (The new name of the Association.)
From your letter, I understand that no change is contemplated except the change of the name of the Association.
A special session may be called as provided in Article V of the Constitution and should give notice of the nature of the business to be transacted, namely, change of name of the Association.
In the copy of the constitution and by which I have, I find nothing concerning a ballot to be mailed to the members or stipulation concerning vote by proxy. In this situation, the notice of the special session having been given the membership as provided, the date and nature of the meeting having been stated, a majority vote by those attending the meeting should control.
At this meeting a resolution should be adopted stipulating that the name of the Association has been changed to that of the name you may select, and should contain the stipulation above set out with reference to by-laws.
A certified copy of this resolution recorded in the Deed records of the Counties in which the Association may own land, will take care of Property titles, however, there will no doubt later arise the problem of satisfying attorneys representing any purchaser that the name was properly changed and that the official Association and the new Association are actually identical and one and the same, the name merely having been changed.
You have stated in your letter that you are giving serious consideration to the matter of changing, the name, and I, therefore, conclude that you have a very good reason therefor and the sincere desire to effect the change of name. We should keep in mind, however, that over a period of many years we have convinced practically all the lawyers in this County that you have a right to sell property by deed by your trustees. This has been no little problem, and in fact, the constitution and by-lays are somewhat silent, at least vague and indefinite with reference to sales. In the event of sale of all or any part of your land, the whole question might be reopened and we might readily expect some difficulty in passing the title after the name change.
I think the name or names contemplated to be adopted should be submitted to me before notice of the session is published.
You would have little or no difficulty in connection with the establishment of income tax exemption status under the new name.
Yours very truly,
[Signed] Tom Street
Mt. Carmel Center
Waco, Texas
Held in the Office of the Vice-President
9:00 A.M. March 13, 1961
The meeting was called to order and then the chairman made a partial report of the Houston meeting which several Carmel members attended. One item that was mentioned was that people in underprivileged countries of the world were starving on the streets and the other people walked by seemingly unconcerned for their welfare. Mark 16:14-13 was read showing the work assigned to the believers after the resurrection of Christ. Then Isaiah was also read which further revealed the work of Christ’s followers.
J.O. Conrad and T. O. Hermanson prayed for God to touch the hearts of the members to reveal to then their work.
It was reported that V. V. Smith and Sumpter Smith had returned from Salem, South Carolina and reported on the mission. Sumpter Smith, before leaving for Salem had signified his desire to operate the Salem Rest Home after Reba, his wife, finishes her nurses course next October. When the two men arrived at Salem, however, they learned that the Davidians had already contacted the ministerial association there and that the Vice-President of the association, a Methodist minister, was very enthusiastic about it. He expressed the idea that perhaps the Davidian Association would be willing to sell the Rest Home to the new organization that is forming to operate the Rest Home Project as a result of the Association’s recent proposal, and then they could run it. The question arose as to the wisdom of this move but it was thought that the idea would be all right if the Rest Home would be conducted as a non-profit sharing enterprise.
The question arose: What is the duty of the Association towards the people in their various needs? With all the facilities at hand is there a purpose in it? What can be done? There is a large surplus in the Second Tithe fund. Experiences of others in helping the poor, the orphans, and others was related showing the wonderful ways in which God has helped His people when they have a deep desire to help.
Mrs. Sopha Hermanson and Mrs. Florence prayed to close the meeting.
All were urged to be thinking what could be done with the Second Tithe to help in this work and what kind of enterprise could be successfully launched that would be really helpful in ministering to the necessities of the people.
Members present:
Mrs. Mary Alen
O. Conrad
R. Custer
Mrs. Sopha Hermanson
O. Hermanson
Mrs. Florence Houteff
W. Saether
[Signed] Mrs. Florence Houteff, Chairman
[Signed] J.O. Conrad, Secretary
This report prepared by
[Not Signed] Geo. W. Saether, Assistant Secretary
Approved: March 19, 1961
2710 West Maywood Street
Santa Ana, California
July 23, 1961
Mrs. Florence Houteff
and executive Council Members
Mt. Carmel Center
Waco, Texas
Dear Members:
This letter no doubt should have been written sooner, inasmuch as I was a member of the council and signed the letter which was sent to the General Conference. I signed the letter contrary to my better judgment, because as you know, neither Brother_________ nor I had been called to the council meetings at the time the 42 months was studied and discussed, or when the letter was written. Thus I acknowledge my part of the responsibility for what happened and what didn’t happen.
You will recall that on the last day of the predicted 42 months, when it was obvious that a mistake had been made that I had a burden to present to the council. The substance of that burden which I presented to the council is in review as follows:
“It is obvious that the events we expected and predicted have not come to pass. Something is wrong. I believe we should acknowledge that we have engaged in private interpretation. It is not so bad to teach something wrong as it is to try to excuse ourselves and not acknowledge we have made a mistake when we have. The people will have more confidence in us if we admit our mistakes.”
“David made a mistake when he numbered Israel contrary to the Lord’s command, and also when he killed Uriah. When he was reproved he said, ‘I have sinned’ and Nathan said, ‘The Lord also hath put away thy sin.'” 2 Samuel 12:13
“If we are going to be like David, Davidians, we will have to admit our wrongs. There is a tendency, for the leaders to exalt themselves, perhaps that is the reason that ‘The Lord also shall save the tents of Judah first (common people instead of the ministry) that the glory of the House of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem do not magnify themselves against Judah.'” See 1 TG: 9, page 5, 1953 reprint.
“Can the Lord condemn our SDA brethren for private interpretations and excuse us? We are told that ‘the earth is to open her mouth and swallow those who do thus. I sincerely believe that if we have privately interpreted the Scriptures and we do not admit our wrongs, then a worse thing will happen than has happened now.”
It is my conviction that something worse has happened: Not only has much time been lost in not working for Laodicea, but the Rod has been new-modeled by trying to extract the golden oil direct from the olive trees instead of drawing it from the golden bowl.
A number are not convinced that the time is here to work for the Sunday protestant churches, but they feel that they should follow Mt. Carmel because of the statement that speaks of the Lord taking the reins in His own hands.
While ancient Moses was absent from the camp the leadership of Aaron made the golden calf and said “These be thy Gods, O, Israel, which have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.” Exodus 32:4 The Lord had the reins in His own hands then, but those who followed Aaron were wrong. Whatever is bound on earth cannot be bound in heaven unless it is in harmony with the truth – Rod.
If the effort and work the council has set out to do is “Present Truth” then we all ought to stand behind it. If it is not, we ought to oppose it. For myself, I believe that it is premature.
Sister Houteff, when I was in Waco last March, you asked what good we could do for the SDA Church by working for it. To me, it is not a question of what good we can do, but are we doing the work the Lord told us to do? The results are with Him.
When the Reformers quit weilding the sword the wound healed. Have we done this, as far as the SDA Church is concerned?
Sincerely yours to hear
The Rod and who path appointed It.
Cecil W. Helman
Mt. Carmel Center
Waco, Texas
Held in the Office of the Vice-President
2:00 P.M February 14, 1961
The meeting was called to order and J. O. Conrad prayed that the Council in meeting would be controlled according to the divine will and purpose.
The chairman gave a verbal report of the work of the new booklet. There have been but few responses to the ones which have been distributed. A few have contributed money but thus far it has been almost negligible. It was also stated that some radio stations will give time to religious programs if there is sufficient response from the public.
If there are those who wish to donate money to this publishing work they will expect a receipt. In what name will a receipt be issued? Was the question .Then people asked what group of people were promoting this distribution and they were told that it was the Davidian Seventh-day Adventists quite a large percentage of those who thus pin-pointed this question refused to accept the book. It was felt that there is a deep prejudice in the minds of many against Seventh-day Adventists.
On the other hand it was also reported that people around Waco were interested in Mt. Carmel and quite a number evidenced willingness to accept and read the booklet.
These discussions brought up the advisability of changing the name of the Association. It was brought out that when the Adventists were looking for suitable name they presented such names as “Church of God,” “Church of Christ,” etc. At that time Mrs. White advised against such a move for the names selected were too general and did not clearly enough designate or describe the church. The name selected filled the bill exactly.
The following names were some of the names submitted:
Heralds of the Davidian Kingdom
Heralds of the Davidian Kingdom of Peace
The Davidian Kingdom Heralds
Heralds of Christ’s Soon Coming Davidian Kingdom
Heralds of God’s Kingdom
Heralds of God’s Kingdom Triumphant
Heralds of the Kingdom Triumphant
The Davidian Heralds of the Kingdom
Heralds of the Davidians
It was recognized that it would involve a lot to change the name. What would be the reaction of Davidians? It was reported that the several who engaged in the new literature campaign thus far wrote in, saying that the name ought to be different that Seventh-day Adventist because of the deep prejudice of so many against the Seventh-day Adventists. It was decided to ask the advice of Mr. Street and what would be involved in changing the name.
Members present:
Mrs. Mary Alen
J. O. Conrad
J. R. Custer
Mrs. Sopha Hermanson
T. O. Hermanson
Mrs. Florence Houteff
G. W. Saether
[Signed] Mrs. Florence Houteff, Chairman
[Signed] J. O. Conrad, Secretary
This report prepared by
[Not signed] Geo. W. Saether, Assistant Secretary
Approved: March 19, 1961
Mt. Carmel Center
Waco, Texas
Held in the Office of the Vice-President
1:30 P.M. December 20, 1960
Worship was first conducted and the following joined in praying for the work of God: Mrs. Mary Alen, J. O. Conrad and Mrs. Florence Houteff.
The first consideration was to get the new booklet out to the Protestants. This will require paper, ink, postage and Printing in addition to the other expenses such as writing, editing, proof-reading, etc. It was reported that there is only 7,000 of unencumbered cash in the treasury.
It was also reported that the typists have worked two months and have only processed 6,000 names while there are between 75,000 and 100,000 names to be processed. At the present rate it will take from 25 to 33 months to process the entire list.
In casting about for added means to help implement this program it was suggested that the New Mt. Carmel property could be sold and the Office and print shop could be moved to the old Mt. Camel. It was also pointed out that the few Davidian members that the Association has at present and the small income that comes in cannot carry the large overhead expense involved in the large amount of assets possessed. The Association is overloaded with assets. For this reason it was decided to offer the property for sale and leave the results with the Lord to sell the property.
J. R. Custer moved that the Association put up the New Mt. Camel Center property for sale and list all the surplus goods for sale and sell all these in order to raise funds for the proposed work and if this accomplished then move the Office back to the Old Mt. Carmel Buildings.
Since the New Mt. Carmel property was purchased to benefit the Association’s membership, to hold large meetings, to raise food for the needy, as a place and home in the country away from the city, to provide a home for the aged and
WHEREAS, the interest in the cause has severely flagged and funds from the first and second tithe have dwindled, and
WHEREAS, it has been impossible to date to sell the Old Mt. Carmel property, and
WHEREAS, it is planned to carry on the enlarged and expanded work among all Protestant Christians it is further
RESOLVED: that at such a time as a satisfactory sale of the real estate is in prospect a resolution be drawn up authorizing the Board of Trustees to complete the sale.
J. O. Conrad seconded the motion and it was carried.
[Portion Missing?]
“He made it clear, though, that they intend to stand for nothing else than complete concession of spiritual control as well be evidenced by: (1) public admittance of mistake in 1959, (2) and abandonment of the present protestant program.
“He said that Oliver made the statement to him once that if a better leadership could be found he would be glad to step out. He said he intends to hold him to his word as Mt. Carmel will soon be presented with that superior leadership and thus be forced to choose to serve God or to serve Baal.”
- That it was learned that he and his associates will demand nothing less than complete surrender of the Council at the hearing, this, in spite of the fact that he does not even now have the complete evidence for the Council’s position.
- That Brother Warden has been collecting the tithe and was even jubilant over the success had in taking in over $1000 tithe moneys on the trip he just had made.
- That he has also taken t tithe in order to finance the hearing. He has claimed that the hearing, is a peace conference, but asserted that “this peace conference is evidence of Mt. Carmel’s economic and political weakness.” He also stressed the idea that if it weren’t for you bringing these sociological pressure to bear the Council “would never have agreed to any hearing.”
- That he has been fomenting rebellion among Davidians against the Association’s government and program.
There was a second to this motion by T. O. Hermanson and motion was unanimously carried.
A motion was made by G. W. Saether:
“Whereas, from the information the Association is receiving from Davidians in the field the Executive Council is convinced that there is nothing to be gained by having the Warden-Bingham hearing which was set for December 25 to December 31, 1960, for such a hearing would be a waste of time and money: therefore it RESOLVED, that the hearing be called off and that a letter be sent to all Davidians at once notifying them of its cancellation and that a complete explanation of the Council’s position be established in an issue of the “Code” and be sent to all Davidians as soon as possible.
J.R. Custer seconded the motion and it was carried by unanimous vote.
Members present:
Mrs. Mary Alen
J. O. Conrad
J. R. Custer
Mrs. Sopha Hermanson
T. O. Hermanson
Mrs. Florence Houteff
G. W. Saether
[Signed] Mrs. Florence Houteff, Chairman
[Signed] J. O. Conrad, Secretary
This report prepared by
[Not signed] Geo. W. Saether, Assistant Secretary
Approved: March 19, 1961
Mt. Carmel Center
Waco, Texas
Held in the Office o’ the Vice-President
10:30 A.M. December 1, 1960
2:00 P.M.
The meeting opened with prayer by J. R. Custer.
Time of the proposed General Association meeting was discussed and it was thought that January 16, 1961 would be better than a month later and that only those having a 1960 Certificate of Fellowship would be permitted to be in attendance if it should finally be decided to call the meeting.
It was decided to call Mr. Street for information as to whether he interpreted the constitution as restricting our work solely to the Seventh-day Adventists and if so can the constitution be changed to clearly set forth the Associations present of labor. Mr. Street said that he would like to discuss this further with us and also said that any constitution can be charged whether it contains a stated provision for it or not.
The second tithe fund was discussed regarding whether benefits morally accrue to the ones who have supported this fund but who may be in the minority interest in the association. The rights of the minority and the right to vote was also discussed. It was felt that if it came to a meeting of the Davidians the ones who are supporting the present program might be in the minority. Whichever way it would be the minority have certain rights. The possibility that the opposition might attach the property and thus bring it into court, was discussed at length.
It was reported that at present the Association has only [amount blurred] in unencumbered cash with which to carry on its work. In addition there is the revenue from the sale of milk, surplus equipment could be sold to raise funds in order to augment the funds available for the work among Protestants. It was decided to send a delegation to confer with Mr. Street about the legal aspects of the Association in this crisis.
Members present:
Mrs. Mary Alen
J. O. Conrad
J. R. Custer
Mrs. Sopha Hermanson
Mrs. Florence Houteff
G. W. Saether
T. O. Hermanson
[Signed] Mrs. Florence Houteff, Chairman
[Signed] J. O. Conrad, Secretary
This report prepared by
[Not signed] Geo. W. Saether, Assistant Secretary
Approved: March 19, 1961