
1959 — Executive Council Minutes



Mt. Carmel Center

Waco, Texas

Held in the Office of the Vice-President

2:30 P.M. March 19, 1959

The meeting was called to order and then a letter was read from Elder Odum in which he asked several questions regarding the 42 months. His particular work in the Denomination is to combat all subversive ideas which may arise, it is understood. A letter was also read from M. W. Wolfe which was directed to the Council and to A. Quackenbush.

Prayer for God’s aid in deciding what to do regarding the solemn assembly were offered by G. W. Saether, Mrs. Sopha Hermanson and J. R. Custer. The discussion centered around the passover. Numbers 9:6-14 states that if individuals have touched a dead body and are not clean or have been on a long journey and are unable to attend the passover they can attend the second passover which would come the next month.

Second Chronicles, chapter 30 was read. It was during the reign of Hezekiah, that this king cleaned out the temple and although the people worked at the cleanup from the first day of the first month they did not get it cleaned up until the 16th day. The temple had been in disuse for a long period of years. In the 29th chapter it tells how they cleaned the temple and then they offered sacrifices, prayed and sang songs and played on musical instruments.

“And they sang praises with gladness, and they bowed their heads and worshipped.” 2 Chronicles 29: 30, last part.

“And Hezekiah rejoiced, and all the people, that God had prepared the people: for the thing was done suddenly.” Verse 36.

In Tract 8, page 28 it tells that these two passovers typify the two purifications, one for the 144,000 and the other for the great multitude.

The problem at hand was when should the solemn assembly be called (the date of the meeting) and what preparations should be made for it? No decision in regard to these was reached other than that it appeared that the meeting might coincide with the time of the Passover.

The meeting was dismissed at about 6:00 P.M.

Members present:

Mrs. Mary Alen

O. Conrad

R. Custer

Mrs. Sopha Hermanson

O. Hermanson

Mrs. Florence Houteff

G.W. Saether

[Signed] Mrs. Florence Houteff, Chairman

[Signed] J.O. Conrad, Secretary

[Signed] Geo. W. Saether, Assistant Secretary

Approved: June 15, 1959



Mt. Carmel Center

Waco, Texas

Held in. the Office of the Vice-President

2:00 P.M.       March 26, 1959

The meeting was called to order. Before prayer was offered the discussion centered about the contemplated meeting of a solemn assembly and the possible attitude of the believers in the field. If the Davidians everywhere were studying the message and the prophecies they should know as much as the Office has published in regard to the events which will transpire in the immediate future. Should they be brought up to date on what the present study of the Council on the subject of the Passover in relation to the 1260 days has brought to light? The chairman announced that the Council would have a season of prayer later in the Council meeting. Dudley Goff prayed the Council might know about the solemn assembly.

The Shepherd’s Rod, Vol. 2, p. 254 shows that the passover lamb was laid up on the 10th day of the first month. Christ was taken on the 14th and that was the day when the lamb was to be slain. He was crucified on the 16th and arose on the 18th. This year, 1959, the Passover comes on the night of the 22nd or by Jewish reckoning the evening of the 23rd. Accordingly the 10th day of the First month–Jewish time-­would be the 18th of April. Occasionally does the Passover week fall on the very days of the week as at Christ’s week of passion. “As we stated before, the Passover night in Egypt is a type of the purification of the church, separating the tares from the wheat.”–Shepherd’s Rod, Vol. 2, p. 217. To reject the message of rebuke the church will thereby crucify the Lord again. (Tract 12, pp. 24, 25)

The Council now set about to determine the exact date for the commencement of the 1260 days of Revelation 11. It was in October of 1955 that the Code article on the 1260 days was written. It was thought that this might be the beginning of the time. The records were gotten out and the mailing of the November Code occurred November 9, 1955.

With this date as the starting point and counting 1260 days the period ends April 22, 1959. This coincides with the time of the Passover in 1959, if there is any real significance to this. It is at least very remarkable. (Incidentally, on December 3, 1955. the. first public sermon yes given on the 1260 days of Revelation 11 by T.O. Hermanson.)

God has given signs in the Bible and it was thought that the Council perhaps ought to pray for a sign, a threat that what is predicted will actually take place.

In the prayer meeting, G.W. Saether, T.O. Hermanson, Dudley Goff, J. O. Conrad, J. R. Custer and Mrs. Florence Houteff all prayed that God would make plain when the announcement of the Solemn Assembly should be called.

The meeting closed at 6:15 P.M

Members present:

Mrs. Mary Alen

O. Conrad

[Some words missing]



Mt. Carmel Center

Waco, Texas

Held in the Office of the Vice-President

9:00 A.M.       March 30, 1959

After the meeting was called to order the chairman asked the Council whether it would call the people to assemble at Mt. Carmel by April 17, 1959, in view of our understanding of the ending events in Revelation 11:1-13 in relation to Passover time. J. O. Conrad and G. W. Saether prayed.

A tentative letter was now read which was addressed to all Davidians.

According to Timely Greetings, Vol. 2, No. 15 the beast that ariseth from the bottomless pit will make war and this beast is Christendom. In view of this fact and also that it was understood that the 1260 days would end April 22 and that the trouble described as a war in Revelation 11:7 could start soon thereafter, the question to be decided was, should the people be invited to come to Mt. Carmel April 17 so that they would be here before the Sabbath and be here at the termination of the 1260 days? If these events take place as it appears that they will it was thought that all Davidians would want to be here before the events take place. If any delayed it might be very difficult to get here after the trouble started.

G. W. Saether now moved that a resolution be drawn up that all Davidians in this country assemble on Mt. Carmel Center, Waco, Texas on or before April 16, 1959 and that all Davidians in foreign countries be notified of this meeting and that they also hold themselves in readiness where they are to get their deliverance from the Assyrian yoke. That these announcements be sent out as soon as possible.

There was a second to this by J. O. Conrad and all were in favor of it.

The meeting closed after 9 ½ hours at 6:30 P.M. T. O. Hermanson offered the closing prayer.

Members present:

Mrs. Mary Alen

O. Conrad

R. Custer

Mrs. Sopha Hermanson

O. Hermanson

Mrs. Florence Houteff

G.W. Saether

[Signed] Mrs. Florence Houteff, Chairman

[Signed] J.O. Conrad, Secretary

[Signed] Geo. W. Saether, Assistant Secretary

Approved: June 15, 1959



Mt. Carmel Center

Waco, Texas

Held in the Office of Vice-President

2:00 P.M.       April 17, 1959

The meeting was called to order and then the matter of the organization of the camp when the people come in was discussed. It seemed to be the consensus of opinion that the camp should be organized about as follows:

  1. Admitting Office (to be built near the entrance)



Ushers to show the people where they are to locate.

  1. Rules and Regulations
  2. Camp Area



  1. Meeting Place
  2. Water
  3. Sanitation
  4. Electricity
  5. What to bring
  6. Garbage
  7. Post Office
  8. Sound Equipment
  9. Dispensary

These different subjects were discussed and would have to be studied and developed as the needs arise.

Members present:

Mrs. Mary Alen

O. Conrad

R. Custer

Mrs. Florence Houteff

O. Hermanson

G.W. Saether

[Signed] Mrs. Florence Houteff, Chairman

[Signed] J.O. Conrad, Secretary

This report was prepared by

[Signed] Geo. W. Saether, Assistant Secretary

Approved: June 15, 1959



Mt. Carmel center

Waco, Texas

Held in the Office of the Vice President

April 22, 1959

The meeting was called to order and then J. O. Conrad, J. R. Custer, T. O. Hermanson and G. W. Saether prayed for wisdom and understanding.

The discussion centered on Joel 2:15-17 and Isaiah 62:6, 7. These texts predict that the church would pray for the deliverance of His people, that the church is to give the Lord no rest until He works for the setting up of the Kingdom. Thus it is imperative that the people and especially the ministry pray most earnestly and ceaselessly.

The following persons were named to serve as ministers and priests:

H. G. Warden

Cecil Helman

Alton Springer

Ruben Rolle

C. G. Holmes
M. W. Wolfe

Bruce LaHey

W. A. Glynn

Tommy Thompson

J. D. Springer

Charles Haylock

L. W. Nations

J. R. Custer
Florence Houteff
B. B. Mitchell
E. R. Reichmann
Warren Kelly
Guilford Goff

Dudley Goff
T. O. Hermanson
George Walton
J. O. Conrad
Ken Kushnick
Jack Knipple

Nathan Syphers
Marvin Ruffing
C. C. Lyons
Harmon Springer
G. W. Saether
George Heusser

Wendell Springer

Henry Harper

Sumpter Smith

Dr. Bucholz

Stoy Proctor

This made a group of 33 persons. The plan was that these would organize into several bands and pray around the clock in the chapel commencing at 11:00 P.M. this date. The following persons were named to organize and to take charge of the prayer bands in the tabernacle:

Dudley Goff                             Erma Belle Feddersen

Edna Lyons                             Glenn Weeks

Members present:

Mrs. Mary Alen

O. Conrad

R. Custer

Mrs. Florence Houteff

O. Hermanson

G.W. Saether

[Signed] Mrs. Florence Houteff, Chairman

[Signed] J.O. Conrad, Secretary

This report was prepared by

[Signed] Geo. W. Saether, Assistant Secretary

Approved: June 15, 1959



Mt. Carmel Center

Waco, Texas

Held in the Office of the Vice-President

11:00 A.M      June 21, 1959

The meeting was called to order and then C. W. Helman and J. O. Conrad prayed.

Time was now given to C. W. Helman to express his views on the present situation. It was his conviction that:

  1. It was a mistake to place the Shepherd’s Rod on the altar; the Message stands on its own feet.
  2. This was the stand of the Council only and not that of the members of the Association.
  3. When we see that we are wrong then we ought to admit it to the people and the church.
  4. According to the Leviticus the Council is to be chosen by the General Association. Acts 6:1-4; Acts of the Apostles, pp. 195, 196.
  5. Although the keys of the Kingdom have passed from the General Conference to the Davidians that does not mean that the keys have been given to the Executive Council.
  6. The events predicted have not taken place. Aaron made a mistake and David numbered Israel and as a result many suffered.
  7. The Council has usurped the Spirit of Prophecy in prophesying and if the Lord condemns the General Conference then He will have to condemn us too. People honour those who acknowledge their wrongs. When David did great wrong in his affair with Bathsheba, God forgave him and He will do the same for us.
  8. God will save the tents of Judah first–these are the common people those at the head of the work have a tendency to magnify the selves above the common people. Peter was rebuked by Paul.
  9. The burden of the meeting was that something would have to be invented to keep the people here. Some on the Council think that they are indispensable.
  10. Speaking of Dudley’s sermon in which he drew a parallel lesson from Israel’s great rebellions against Moses, the Council is not Moses. If Dudley was wrong in speaking on the 5 points then his application may be wrong on this too.
  11. He is not going to try to oust the Council.
  12. The Council predicted that these events would take place. This was not the position of the General Association – only the Council. When Brother Houteff was here he didn’t need a General Association. He was like Moses.

The Chairman asked what was the Test? The test was given to Elder Figuhr,

“If the message and work of The Shepherd’s Rod is God’s Truth as we believe it to be, the 1260 days of Revelation as the Symbolic Codes have explained, will end sometime this Spring. Then will follow the war that will kill the Two Witnesses. –The Symbolic Code, Vol. 14, No.6, p. 8 [should be page 9].

In the same Code, p. 29 it is stated:

“Mt. Carmel hereby serves notice that she now leaves the prophecy of Revelation 11 as the Code has explained it, as the test by which the Lord will demonstrate whom He is leading.”

While C. W. Helman was making his concluding remarks, the telephone call from F. A. Worth informed us that the General Conference men were on the way to his house.

In this meeting it was divulged to Cecil Helman that the General Conference wanted to hold some meetings either in Waco or preferably at Mt. Carmel. C. W. Helman agreed to table his objections until the Council would contact the Conference men. It was learned that there were four of them at F. A. Worth’s. C. W. Helman made the statement that he now could see that the Lord had allowed this to happen for the good of the church.

C. W. Helman prayed at the opening of the meeting at 1:00 P.M.

It ‘was finally decided to send T. O. Hermanson and J. R. Custer to Worth’s to contact these men. The meeting adjourned at 4:00 P.M.

At 6:15 P.M. the meeting was brought to order and then C. W. Helman and G. W. Saether prayed acknowledging that the Council believed that God led it to do as it has done; for some reason He has allowed it and now the Council would like to learn what His plans would be from now on.

T. O. Hermanson now reported that F. A. Worth had told the Conference men that the Council was sending some one down to meet them and they seemed pleased about it. They were extended an invitation to come out Monday morning at 10:00 A.M. to meet with the Council and consider what they would like to do.

It was the consensus of opinion that this would be a good thing and that the camp should be notified of this by a notice as follows:

Several Seventh-day Adventist ministers from the local, union and General Conferences made it known that they want to come out to meet with us on Mt. Carmel. The Executive Council has extended them an invitation to meet with the Council tomorrow morning at 10:00. The invitation was accepted. We now solicit the prayers of all Davidians that the Lord will be present and work for the good of the church and the people.

The meeting was dismissed at 7:15 P.M.

Members present:

Mrs. Mary Alen, Alternate

O. Conrad

R. Custer, Alternate for Jack Knipple

W. Helman

Mrs. Sopha Hermanson



Mt. Carmel Center

Waco, Texas

Held in the Office of the Vice-President

10:00 A.M.    June 22, 1959

The meeting was called to order and then the visiting ministers were introduced to the. Council members. They were Elder Leach, President of the Texas Conference, Elder A. V. Olson, formerly a vice President of the General Conference, now on the General Conference Committee and also the President of the Ellen G. White Writings. Elder L. C. Evans, President of the Southwestern Conference and Elder R. L. Winders, pastor of the Waco church.

The chairman asked Elder Olson and Jack Knipple to pray for the Lord’s guidance in the meetings. Then she asked who was their spokesman. Elder Olson said he would be the spokesman for them. Then the Chairman, Sister Houteff, asked them what it was they desired to see us about, that we had invited them out when we learned that they had come to Waco in the interest of Davidians. The meeting was then thrown open to Elder Olson who said,

“Like Peter when he came to Cornelius, We have come and now I ask, why have you sent for us”? He said further that he had a letter that was sent to Elder Figuhr and now the fully expected events did not transpire. You have said that you have laid all on the altar. Evidently, since the things you predicted have not transpired you must have been mistaken. If there is anything you desire to ask that we might be of help to you in your great disappointment, please let me know.”

Mrs. Houteff: “We want to know what is the Truth on these things.”

Elder Olson: “There is no reason other than that you all recognize error.”

Mrs. Houteff : “What we need to know is why the confederacy which we expected did no come.”

Elder Olson: “I’m not acquainted with the Shepherd’s Rod doctrine. I’ve read some of your literature but in Europe where I was when these doctrines were being taught in America I did not have to meet it so much often there.”

Elder Evans: “If this proves anything at all it proves that you should have stayed with the church and not gone off with this teaching and predictions.”

The ministers were offered the privilege to come out in the tabernacle and see if they could help us out, for we had heard that they wanted to come.

Elder Winders said that they appreciated this offer very much.

Elder Olson: “Do you believe that Sister White vas inspired?”

All the Council affirmed that that was their position. Then he asked what propositions did the Council want to be taken up.

[something missing in scanned document]

T. O. Hermanson

Mrs. Florence Houteff

G.W. Saether

[Signed] Mrs. Florence Houteff, Chairman

[Signed] J.O. Conrad, Secretary

This report was prepared by

[Signed] Geo. W. Saether, Assistant Secretary

Approved: February 17, 1960



Mt. Carmel Center

Waco, Texas

Held in the Office of the Vice-President

9:15 P.M.       June 30, 1959

The meeting was called for the special purpose of considering a different method of holding the meetings in the tabernacle then the Conference ministers were holding. Elder A. V. Olsen, R. L. Winders and Elder Montgomery, pastor of the Cleburne, Texas, church were present in this meeting also.

Present, too, at this meeting were: Sidney Smith, Dudley Goff and Harmon Springer. Sidney Smith now told the Council that some of the Davidian congregation thought that the present procedure of the Conference ministers doing all the speaking was not the best procedure. A petition had therefore been circulated reading as follows:

To: The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and

The Executive Council of Davidian Seventh-day Adventists:

We Davidians who have gathered at Mt. Carmel appreciate greatly the interest the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is showing in our spiritual welfare. Since they have been invited to show us our error and they are desirous that we turn to the fold, I feel the meetings would be more effective if they could be conducted as an Open Panel discussion with authorized qualified men representing the Denomination and men representing the Davidians participating, with the congregation listening in only that they may weigh the discussion for themselves. We do not believe, however, that it should take the form of a debate but rather as an Open Panel discussion. I am sincere in my belief in the Davidian message. If I were not, I would not be here. I am also sincere in my evaluation of that which the Denominational brethren present, but I think I could better evaluate it if it could presented in the form of a panel discussion. I therefore make this request for such a discussion sincerely feeling that it would be to your advantage and of tremendous eternal spiritual benefit to us. Since we are now gathered here together we request that the panel meetings be arranged for as soon as possible.

Several hundred names were signed to the petition which Sidney Smith read and then submitted, part of which was given to Elder Olson who took it with him. He said that he would take the proposition under advisement and would contact Elder Figuhr the next day.

The ministers left and then the meeting closed with prayer.

Members present:

Mrs. Mary Alen

O. Conrad

R. Custer

O. Hermanson

Mrs. Florence Houteff

Geo.W. Saether

[Signed] Mrs. Florence Houteff, Chairman

[Signed] J.O. Conrad, Secretary

This report was prepared by

[Signed] Geo. W. Saether, Assistant Secretary

Approved: February 17, 1960




Mt. Carmel Center

Waco, Texas

Held in the Office of the Vice-President

10:00 A.M.    July 1, 1959

The meeting was called to order and J. O. Conrad, T. O. Hermanson and J. R. Custer offered prayer.

The following petition had been circulated among the majority of the people at both the New Mt. Carmel and the Old Mt. Carmel:

To: The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and

The Executive Council of Davidian Seventh-day Adventists:

We Davidians who have gathered at Mt. Carmel appreciate greatly the interest the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is showing in our spiritual welfare. Since they have been invited to show us our error and they are desirous that we turn to the fold, I feel the meetings would be more effective if they could be conducted as an Open Panel discussion with authorized qualified men representing the Denomination and men representing the Davidians participating with the congregation listening in only that they may weigh the discussion for themselves. We do not believe, however, that it should take the form of a debate but rather as an Open Panel discussion. I am sincere in my belief in the Davidian message. If I were not, I would not be here. I am also sincere in my evaluation of that which the Denominational Brethren present, but I think I could better evaluate it if it could be presented in the form of a Panel discussion. I therefore make this request for such a discussion sincerely feeling it would be to your advantage and of tremendous eternal spiritual benefit to us. Since we are now gathered here together we request that the panel meetings be arranged for as soon as possible.

Over 400 signatures appeared on the petition. The petition was now read by J. O. Conrad because it was directed to the Davidian Council as well as to the Denomination. The Council took up the matter to decide what action it should take. Several things were considered: Does the Council want a panel? If so, who should act as moderator? Should there be a time limit? The petition was tabled pending the Denomination’s reply.

The discussion turned to what the Council should do in view of the failure of their expectations materializing by the end of Spring. Some want to retire the present Council and select a new one. If the Branch and Bingham or any others want time to present publicly, their views should it be given to them? The suggestion was presented that a questionnaire be drawn up listing the many alternatives for the people to make known which plan reflects their feelings.

The meeting adjourned until 2:00 P.M.

A discussion of the questionnaire mentioned in the morning meeting was resumed. Following is one suggested draft:

“At present there are several opinions being circulated on Mt. Carmel and elsewhere that the Executive Council would like for you to designate your stand in regard to these:

“1. The present Executive Council has illegally usurped the power of authority in not calling the first general association and having an election of officers by the people. This election should be held. (    )

“2. The present Council has made a serious mistake in putting the Shepherd’s Rod message on the altar on the basis of the Council’s stand on the prophecy of Revelation 11. The Council should admit this mistake and resign.

A new council should be elected and then everything will go smoothly.

The prophecy of Revelation 11 should then be forgotten and Davidians go back to the Rod and work for the Seventh-day Adventist church. (    )

“3. Davidians should accept the teachings of the Branch and the Council should turn the work over to Ben Roden. (    )

“4. Davidians, by recent developments, should be led to seriously consider their course and return to the church. (    )

“5. To be filled in by anyone having a different opinion ______________________________________ (    )

___________________________________________________________________________________ (    )

___________________________________________________________________________________ (    )

“6. I believe that the Executive Council is right in their stand as given in the newsletter of June 26.” (    )

After this was read one suggested the addition of the following ideas:

“Since Davidians do not know the reason why the Lord allowed them to expect certain events this Spring which did not occur, they should wait until the Lord makes plain the reason and indicate the next step to take. And inasmuch as all Davidians believe the stand the Code took and supported the Council in their promulgation of it Davidians should go home and wait until we find out something better.”

No decision was made in regard to these things and the Council was dismissed by prayer by G. W. Saether at 6:00 P.M.

Members present:

Mrs. Mary Alen, Alternate for C. W. Helman.

O. Conrad

R. Custer , Alternate for Jack Knipple

Mrs. Sopha Hermanson

O. Hermanson

Mrs. Florence Houteff

G.W. Saether

[Signed] Mrs. Florence Houteff, Chairman

[Signed] J.O. Conrad, Secretary

This report was prepared by

[Signed] Geo. W. Saether, Assistant Secretary

Approved: February 17, 1960



Mt. Carmel Center

Waco, Texas

Held in the Office of the Vice-President

9:30 A.M.       September 2, 1959

The meeting was called to order and the chairman announced that the purpose of the meeting was to determine what our duty is and what direction we should take.

G. W. Saether and M. W. Wolfe prayed.

Mrs. Houteff now reviewed the history of the work of Davidians for 30 years endeavoring to get the message to the Seventh-day Adventists. “What more can we do?” was her impassioned question. Many tens of thousands, over the years have had all the literature five times. There is at present a mailing list of 30,000 to 35,000. Three of the men at Washington said we should consider that our burden has been discharged and that they would take the responsibility for Adventists who did not see The Shepherd’s Rod as being truth.

A financial report was then given. Since the beginning of the work 1930 to July 31, 1959 the first tithe has been $1,090,114. All except $16,000 has been used for our gospel work not including the $100,000 invested for the buildings needed to carry on the publishing and office work.

In the same period the second tithe amounted to                $438.740

Spent for Benevolent Aid exclusive of investments             $184.533

in buildings

Balance                                                                                    $254,207

Bequeathment Certificate Fund                                             84,985

Cash on hand                                                                          154,000

Cash Balance which can be used                                             69,000

The interest in the radio program is increasing it was reported but very little money is being sent in. Dudley Goff suggested a simple course of Bible study over the radio in perhaps a series of 10 or 15 minute programs. The first course might be on the origin of the Bible in nine lessons. Then the rudiments of the Bible. If this could be carried on with the privilege of cancellation at the end of four weeks it would cost $1100 per week. The radio program at present is $2200 per week.

John Campbell said that he saw no light in the radio; instead we ought to get our bearings, concentrate on where we stand at the present time. .

But what should we do with the tithe ‘Which comes in? the chairman asked.

John Campbell said that Davidians will pay tithe but they are disturbed and confused. They feel no security. Some are talking about taking out insurance for security.

The chairman made a comparison between the radio work and house to house work

The Hunter’s campaign cost about $5000.00 a month when the hunters were out but the radio program cost but $12,000 per month. The radio programs reached a greater number or people and is only on once a week. However, the results were about the same with both systems. It is really impossible to judge the results with either system.

The meeting was postponed until Thursday afternoon.

J. D. Springer closed the meeting with prayer.

Members present:

Mrs. Mary Alen, Alternate

O. Conrad

R. Custer , Alternate

Mrs. Sopha Hermanson

O. Hermanson

Mrs. Florence Houteff

G.W. Saether

[Signed] Mrs. Florence Houteff, Chairman

[Signed] J.O. Conrad, Secretary

This report was prepared by

[Signed] Geo. W. Saether, Assistant Secretary

Approved: February 17, 1960



 Mt. Carmel Center

Waco, Texas

Held in the Office of the Vice-President

7:30 P.M.       November 21, 1959

The Executive Council, including three visitors who were asked to attend, viz., Dudley Goff, Harmon Springer and M. W. Wolfe, met to consider a particular proposition.

Dudley Goff and J. O. Conrad prayed for the blessing of God on the meeting. The chairman stated that it looks as though this Association has finished its work as far as going to the Seventh-day Adventist church is concerned.

T. O. Hermanson presented a new plan as follows:

Invite the Seventh-day Adventist members to meetings to be held here at Mt. Carmel Center.

That these meetings should last ten days and then after this series of meetings are concluded other 10 day series of meetings will be held etc. as long as necessary.

That there be lectures three times daily.

That a nominal charge be made for meals, etc.

There have been requests from the field for the opportunity to attend Bible instruction on Mt. Carmel. With such a plan the desire of these people could be realized.

That these meetings be held next Spring in May when the weather warms up. The tents could again be used and also the 11 buildings and these would be rented to the people. Thus instead of us going to them they would be coming to us.

A motion was now made by M. W. Wolfe that the necessary procedure be taken to invite Seventh-day Adventists to Mt. Carmel Center to learn the message. T. O. Hermanson seconded the motion and it was then unanimously carried.

The meeting was dismissed by Harmon Springer by prayer.

After the visitors had departed the question was raised as to the eligibility of M. W. Wolfe to make a motion. He evidently thought that he had been elected as a member because he had been invited to the Council meeting. It was decided to rescind the motion for it could not be legal. J. R. Custer now made a motion: that steps be taken to invite the Seventh-day Adventist laity to Mt. Carmel Center to learn the message. There was a second to this motion and it was unanimously carried.

The chairman urged each member to write up a good invitation showing good salesmanship how these meetings will benefit the people. It was decided that it might be a good idea to staple these inserts inside the new booklets about the General Conference meetings.

It was moved by J. O. Conrad; Whereas Cecil Helman and Jack Knipple are out of the state and that it is impossible for them to serve on the Council it is moved that they be replaced by their alternates, Mrs. Mary Alen and J. R. Custer, as permanent members. There was a second to this motion by T. O. Hermanson and it was carried by unanimous vote.

It was reported that Sumpter Smith plans to return to Salem, South Carolina as soon as the work is caught up on the farm. While there he is willing to clean the Salem Rest Home and try to sell it on commission or wages. The Council is to authorize him to do so if it is deemed advisable, and to stipulate the prices wanted. The sale of the Rest Horne would include the house and 31 acres which was purchased from the Wessels.

G. W. Saether moved that Sumpter Smith be authorized to sell the Rest Home property at Salem, South Carolina for an asking price of $35,000 and a minimum price of $25,000 at a commission up to 5%.

T. O. Hermanson seconded the motion and it received unanimous approval.

There was some discussion whether some one should be chosen to take A. Quackenbush’s place on the Council. It was mentioned that the Leviticus, page 9 under By-Laws, Article 1, Executive Council Section 4, it is stated, “minority meetings of less than seven members of the Council may be held at the General Administration Office for the transaction of necessary or routine business.” The inference that seven shall constitute the full membership of the Council. No decision was made and the meeting was dismissed at 11:00 P.M.

Members present:

Mrs. Mary Alen,

O. Conrad

R. Custer

Mrs. Sopha Hermanson was not present

O. Hermanson

Mrs. Florence Houteff

G.W. Saether

[Signed] Mrs. Florence Houteff, Chairman

[Signed] J.O. Conrad, Secretary

This report was prepared by

[Signed] Geo. W. Saether, Assistant Secretary

Approved: February 17, 1960
