02 May 1944 — Davidian Church Affidavit
Reproduction of Affidavit filed in Volume 523, page 309.
(We have reproduced this document for reading purposes only you can verify the correctness of the information by contacting the McLennan County Clerk’s office.)
The State of Texas *
County of McLennan *
ON THIS DAY, personally appeared before the undersigned authority, V. T. Houteff, Mrs. Florence Houteff and Mrs. Sopha Delle Hermanson, who, being by me first sworn, depose and say that heretofore on March 15, 1935 Southwestern Life Insurance Company conveyed to the Universal Publishing Association a certain tract of land out of the J. M. Sampier and J. M. Stevens Survey in McLennan County, Texas which said deed is recorded in Volume 443, page 482 McLennan County Deed Records, and thereafter on June 14, 1935 Mrs. Mary L. P. Darden conveyed to The Universal Publishing Association that certain tract of land out of the J. M. Stevens Survey which said deed is recorded in Volume 446, page 281 McLennan County Deeds Records, and affiants say with reference to said two deeds that at the time of said conveyance V. T. Houteff, Sopha Delle Hermanson and one Mrs. Florence F. Scharboneau where the owners of and were associated together as Trustees for the Universal Publishing Association of Los Angeles, California and they took title to said property in said name as a matter of convenience intending at the time to reconvey same to a church organization which they were then undertaking to create and organize and that the affiants had no personal interest in said land but were taking same as trustees for such contemplated church organization.
Affiants further say that they had prior to said date operated a publishing association business in the city of Los Angeles which was used and intended for said church organization and that they had no personal interest in said publishing business except as such trustees and contemporaneously with the making of this affidavit affiants say that they had perfected said church organization and are this day conveying said property to V. T. Houteff, Mrs. Florence Houteff, H. C. Sealy, Merritt Wolfe and Mrs. Sopha Delle Hermanson as Trustees for the General Association of Davidian Seventy-Day Adventists which said church organization has now been perfected and organized.
Affiants further say that Mrs. Florence E. Charboneau, who was formerly associated with said V. T. Houteff and Sopha Delle Hermanson, is now deceased and therefore can not join in the conveyance of said lands
WITNESS the hands of affiants, this the 2nd day of May, A. D. 1944.
[Signed] V.T. Houteff
[Signed] Mrs. Florence Houteff
[Signed] Sopha Delle Hermanson
Subscribed sworn to before me, this the day 2nd day of May A.D. 1944.
[Signed] Notary Public, McLennan County, Texas.
BEFORE ME, undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared Mrs. Sopha Delle Hermanson, V.T. Houteff and Mrs. Florence Houteff, known to me to be the persons whose name are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and each acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein.