03 apr 2002 — Motion to Dissolve 2500 Mt. Carmel Dr. Incorporation
Wednesday April 3rd
Session opened with Prayer by the chairman. Song Service by Br. Ruiz. Prayer thought is taken from Luke 15:2 and Gospel Worker p. 170.2 by Sis. Sanctussy.
Sermonette given by Br. Wallace. The main thought: We must do unto others what we would have them do unto us.
A seminar on finance was given by Bro. Cox. He stressed the importance of a budget and the fact that we need to live within our budget.
Roll Call- 47 voting members present.
Motion by Sr. Blount that we accept the minutes with the necessary corrections.
Seconded by Bro. Gonzales.
Motion is Carried.
Motion by Bro. Ashbourne– There is a problem in California about incorporation. Brethren feel that since the prophet had the association unincorporated we need to be the same.
Motion amended and seconded by Bro. Archer– I so moved that the association dissolves its present incorporation status to a non-profit unincorporated Association after the new Tax ID number and Non-Profit status is acquired. This is in accordance with Tract 8.48.
For- 38 Against- 4 Abstained- 8
Motion carried.
Motion by Bro. Archer that the Council acquires a higher insurance.
Motion not seconded. Bro. Archer will get quote on premium before motion is seconded.
Prayer offered by Bro. Wesh before BREAK.
Theme song, then prayer by Br. Wilson.
Agenda Continued.
Leadership- Bro. Davis
He reads from 1T 310.”I need a privilege to present this before the election of officers”
Session replies ‘Amen’.