
1955 — Executive Council Minutes








(held in the parlor of the Rest Home)

Mt. Carmel Center

Waco, Texas

February 6, 1955, 1:30 P. M

The Council was called to order. J. O. Conrad prayed for the success of the meeting, and that the right decisions would be made.

The secretary then read a letter (attached) from Mrs. Florence Houteff, which called the attention of the Council to several requests made by V. T. Houteff before his death. After some discussion it was moved by C. W. Helman and seconded by A. Quackenbush that we indorse only Requests (1) and (3) and delay the action on (2) and (4) until the next meeting, possibly to be held after V. T. Houteff’s funeral.

The requests above mentioned are as follows:

 (1) That in case of V. T. Houteff’s death which would automatically leave vacant the office of President, Mrs. Florence Houteff be appointed to fill the office of Vice President;

(3) That T. O. Hermanson be appointed a member of the Executive Council.

And Mrs. Florence Houteff was appointed and elected to the office of Vice President of General Association of Davidian Seventh-day Adventists, and T. O. Hermanson was appointed and elected to the Executive Council of said Association.

Regarding Request (2), “That someone be appointed to succeed Mrs. Florence Houteff as Secretary,” it was moved by J. O. Conrad that we ask Mrs. Houteff to recommend the person whom she would prefer to serve as the Secretary of the Association. This motion was seconded by A. Quackenbush, and was carried unanimously.

A motion was then made, seconded, and carried to adjourn until 8:00 P. M., February 7, 1955. The meeting was dismissed by A. Quackenbush.

Members present:

Ass’t Chairman: M. Wolfe

W. Saether

       Mrs. S. Hermanson

W. Helman


       J.O. Conrad

For the Executive Council:

Ass’t Secretary: [Signed] G. W. Saether


Exhibit “C”








(held in the parlor of the Rest Home)

Mt. Carmel Center

Waco, Texas

February 6, 1955, 8:00 P. M.

The Council was called to order and A. Quackenbush prayed for God’s wisdom.

The first item of business was to act upon Request #2, to wit:

“(2)      That someone be appointed to succeed Mrs. Florence Houteff as Secretary”

In the previous meeting held at 1:30 P. M. of the same day, it was decided to postpone decision on this item until Mrs. Florence Houteff had been consulted in regard to her preference, if any, for the one who should be appointed to fill this vacancy in accordance with The Leviticus of Davidian Seventh-day Adventists, page 9, By Laws, Art. 1, Sec. 1, (c). She sent the following suggestion:

“I think the new secretary should be a man, and he should be from among the members of the Executive Council. I would prefer either M. W. Wolfe or J. O. Conrad to fill this-position.”

The vote was taken by secret ballot and the result was a tie. The Chairman then cast his vote for J. O. Conrad. Thus J. O. Conrad was selected to serve as the new Secretary of the General Association of Davidian Seventh-day Adventists.

It was then decided by a vote of the members to complete the remainder of the business on hand, namely, the consideration of Request (4),

“(4)      That the Council make a resolution to provide for the welfare of Mrs. Florence Houteff as long as she lives.”

After very lengthy discussion the following motion was made by C. W. Helman:

“I move that we, the General Association of Davidian Seventh-day Adventists, guarantee to Mrs. Florence Houteff all the conveniences and necessary requirements for her to properly discharge her duties as Vice President of the Association, and at all times she will be provided with everything necessary to minister to her comfort and well being according to the principles of the Shepherd’s Rod message as long as he lives.”

The motion was seconded and carried by unanimous vote.

It was further stipulated that the action on Request (4) be first submitted to Mrs. Florence Houteff for her consideration, and then be taken to the Association’s attorney for his legal advice. He will be instructed to prepare the proper instruments covering the decisions reached during the two council meetings of this day.

Members Present:

Ass’t Chairman: M. W. Wolfe

O. Conrad


W. Helman

Mrs. Sopha Hermanson

O. Hermanson

W. Saether

For the Executive Council

Ass’t Secretary: [Signed] G. W. Saether


Exhibit “D”

Mt. Carmel Center

Waco, Texas


Held in the Office of the Vice-President

7:45 P.M.   May 7, 1955

The meeting was called to order by the chairman and Bro. Quackenbush and Bro. Wolfe were asked to pray for a true meaning of the work of the Council and the Association.

The chairman then endeavored to clarify the questions which were brought in the Council meeting of May 4 by the letter of Bro. Quackenbush to the members of the Council.

In order to do this the chairman stated that we were being governed by the Leviticus with its constitution and by-laws. She then read from the Leviticus, pages 5-8 Art. IV Officers and Their Duties. Then the chairman read from Patriarchs and Prophets pages 315 – showing the failure of Aaron as the assistant of Moses to carry out the will of God as directed by Moses when he was absent from the congregation. Instead of carrying out the will of God he listened to the desire of the people and thus brought about a fearful rebellion among the people wherein the whole camp became engaged in idolatry and 3,000 lost their lives. That there is a great similarity in our work to that of Moses and Aaron should be evident. The chairman said that she did not want to follow the example of Aaron and follow the will of the people. It is a very difficult thing for one at the head of the work not to yield to the demands of the people.

The chairman is the one who knows what should be presented to the Council and he is the one and the only one who can call the Council together according to the Constitution, Art. IV Sec. 2 & 3 and the By-laws Art. 1 Sec. 3 (a).

Several questions were asked and answers were given which seemed to meet the minds of all assembled. Speaking of Art. V Sessions, the question was asked, “In Tract 7 in the latter part of’ the tract (page 76) it stated that there was an open session of Davidian Seventh-day Adventists. Would that be considered one of the sessions as depicted in this Art. V?” The answer was that at that time there was no Leviticus. Until such time as there will be a need for a regular session of the Association none will be called. Up to the present time, including the time when Brother Houteff was here, there has been no need for a regular session of the Association. The only session of the Association that we know of at present will be the solemn assembly.

It was brought out that Art. VI By-laws, of the Constitution stipulated that “the Association, at any session, may enact, amend or repeal by-laws.

It was claimed by the chairman that the vice-president has the authority to veto the decisions of the Executive Council. Quite a discussion followed:

If the vice-president was appointed by the Council how could then the vice-president overrule the Council?

Ans. According to our Constitution, the President is Chief Administrator of the Association. In his absence the Vice-president acts in his stead. For matters of any nature that the administrator wishes council on, provision is made in our By-laws for their council to be secured and legally used by the chief administrator in his work of handling-the affairs of the Association. But should the Council pass something that the Administrator believes is contrary to the best interest of the cause, he is morally bound to veto the council’s action just as Aaron should have done when the majority demanded even at the cost of his life to give them an idol to worship. In other words, under our set-up the Council will be asked to vote on certain issues. A record of their vote is kept, and their responsibility ends there. What is done is chargeable to the Administrator, and he must answer to God for his actions. God’s church has never prospered when it was ruled by the voice or the people or by the majority vote.

Bro. Wolfe: How can you prove that the president appointed you to be Vice-president?

Ans. I cannot prove it. I have nothing in writing. But since Brother Houteff did not appoint anyone else you are going to have to believe me when I tell you that he appointed me. Now I would like to ask you a question? How can you prove that you are a member of the Executive Council?

It developed that some of the members had received written notice that they were to serve as members or the Council for a limited time only and that time limit had expired years ago.

Ques. The Council decided not to sell Ross Green a lot or lots on the 10% down deal. Why was he afterwards sold lots on that basis?

Ans. Ross Green did not buy his lot on the same basis as the 10%ers. They were given a clear title but he was not until he should pay for the lots in full at the end of 45 days.

Ques. When Bro. Wolfe and Bro. Hermanson went down to Mr. Street’s office to see about the resignation of H. Sealy as one of the trustees, Bro. Sealy’s resignation was accepted by the Council. If others would resign in the same manner only one right be left to dispose of the property; what about that?

Ans. We had five trustees and three would be sufficient according to our set-up. The Council could fill the vacancies as they occurred.

Ques. The Council chose the trustees to sell the property. Can the vice-president veto their decisions-their choice?

Ans. No, for this a legal matter. The trustees are recommended by the chairman and the Council would vote on them.

Ques. If the voice of the Council is final in a legal case then what is the difference in the other cases?

Ans. The work of the Council is to assist the President or the Assistant in the administration of the affairs of the Institution. An example of this is the action of the Council in appointing the President to sign checks for foreign bank accounts. To satisfy these banks as to the legal status of the President of the Davidian Association of Seventh-day Adventists the Council merely assisted the President in this transaction – a transaction which all knew to be a perfectly natural one, like signing for a notary public.

Ques. Would it not be a good plan to groom someone to take the place of the Vice-president should anything happen to that one? How would a new one be selected?

Ans. The one who would be chosen would be one who is found trust worthy to see that the aims and principles for which the Association stands are carried out. The Constitution says that the duty of the Vice-President are to assist the President in the religious phase as Aaron did, i.e., by speaking the Presidents words–teach the message he brought. He is also to administer the affairs of the Association. The one who would be most likely to do this would be chosen.

It will be my plan to present more and more things to the Council than I have presented and I don’t intend to veto anything but I do feel that I have a perfect right and duty to do so when I see the need of it. This is not a worldly concern or even like the government at Washington. This is God’s work and it will have to be conducted in God’s way-“contrary to all human planning.” In other words, the Lord’s plan for His church is not that it be directed by the Voice of the people to God, but by the Voice of God to the people. On this point see Desire of Ages, p. 369, par. 2.

When the idea was presented that all make a statement as to their stand on this question it was decided that more time should be given so that each member would be clear on it.

Another question came up. Should the present Vice-president be incapacitated or die and a new Vice-president were elected would he too have the power to veto the Council’s decision.

Ans. It seemed to be the consensus of opinion that that would be so because this is the work of God and that whoever would have the leadership should have the authority.

The meeting was dismissed by Bro. Conrad offering the closing prayer.

Members present

Mrs. Florence Houteff

Mrs. Sopha Hermanson

W. Wolfe


W. Helman

O. Hermanson

O. Conrad

W. Saether

[Signed] Florence Houteff, Chairman

[Signed] J. O. Conrad, Secretary

[Signed] G. W. Saether, Ass’t Secretary

Exhibit “D”

Mt. Carmel Center

Waco, Texas


Held in the Office of the Vice-President

7:30 P.M. May 9, 1955

The meeting was called to order and C. W. Helman was asked to pray for wisdom in dealing with the problems of the sub-division and that all the decisions made will redound to the glory of God.

The chairman now showed a table of figures:

Cash in hand ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••          $15,700.00

Excess in savings •••••••••••••••••••••••••••            11,400.00

Total Working funds                                       27,100.00

Average tithes and offerings per month        $ 8,000.00

Mt. Carmel Expense per month •••••             3,600.06

Personal Exchange for U.S. cah per month   2,250.00

Postage •••••••••••••••••••• per month ••••         320.00

Medical •••••••••••••••••••• per month ••••         300.00

Field Workers (Transportation, postage, living

expenses & home expenses) per month ••     4,860.00

Benevolent Expense ••••••••• per month •••• 3.00

Foreign expense •••••••••••• per month ••••     100.00

Total average expense            11,730.00

From these figures it can be readily seen that the Association cannot go too fast nor too far in the development of the subdivision. However there will be funds coming in this summer from the sale of the lots which we have yet to collect. Then there will be a refund from the water department at the end of the year.

Now the maps of the 30 acre plot and also the 50 acre survey were spread out for inspection. The question before of the Council was, should the 50 acres be opened up?  It was contended that there are customers for the rough land who would not want the almost level farm land. Mr. Chastain tells us that there are about 30 persons waiting for the opening of the 50 acres. Further there are so many subdivisions opening up that it is imperative that the Association sell the property more quickly than we have been or it may be left with very little sold.

Should the Association sell some of the land in tracts by the acre and what could be realized by so doing? If a better price is to be secured it will be necessary to subdivide the land. In the 30 acres the cost per acre has been $2,600.00 and the net income per acre when all the money comes in will be $1,800.00. Of course there has been some expense such as bringing in the utilities and some of the cost of construction of Mt. Carmel Drive and too the cost of surveying the 50 acres which naturally should be spread over the cost of the entire subdivision. That will make the net income of the 30 acres come up when the figures all come in.

[Some text is missing here]

Exhibit “F”

Mt. Carmel Center

Waco, Texas


Held in the Office of the Vice-President


7:45 P.M.   December 3, 1955

While waiting for all the members to convene a letter from James McDonald Williams, British Guiana, dated November 28, was read.

Quoting from this letter:

“The statement in the letter on page 2, paragraph 6 indicating that Pastor M. J. Bingham is no longer a messenger of the Lord have done much harm here. Especially amongst the Laodiceans.

“The excommunication of Pastor Bingham is the biggest shock since the death of Pastor Houteff, and it shows great blindness on the part of those responsible, especially in the light or Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 7, pages, 262-263” and then he proceeds to quote from those pages.

He closed his letter with the words: “And so I would like to know if he is no longer a servant of God? because I am ready to finance his mission to the Island of Barbados, a field that has not yet been worked. Awaiting your prompt reply.”

The reference from Vol. 7 which he quoted was not quoted in full for it was read to the Council from the book, too. This shows a deliberate attempt to juggle the words around so that it will be saying something which the reference does not say, let alone teach. There was a sentence in the first part of the letter which is perhaps significant: “Incidentally he (M. J. Bingham) is at the moment here carrying out a series of meetings in places unworked.”

The meeting was called to order and A. Quackenbush prayed for the success of the meeting.

It was reported that Brother Sealy handed in his application for a Certificate of Fellowship with the reservation that he believed the March 1955 “Code” the way T. O Hermanson explained it to him. It was the consensus of opinion that he cannot receive a Certificate of Fellowship with such reservations and will have to appear before the Council to clear himself.”

Mr. Tom Joseph seems very anxious to buy the 17 ½ acres and will pay $1300 per acre at 29% cash down. The city has made a new ruling on the Dam #1 to Dam #4 gully. It may be necessary for the developer to construct a storm sewer with a concrete apron on either side.

It was decided to try the other prospects to see what they will offer for the land. Mr. Chastain reported to the Office that Mr. Johnson wants to see how the street, Chastain Circle, will look and to see “how many lots he will have to lose.” It was suggested that someone go out and stake out this street and show it to Mr. Johnson.

[Portion missing?]

returned and said that there was no use going out to the field as the church was now “giving the message of the purification of the church. Some time later Brother Wolfe started another battering rams’ campaign. This same brother joined in the program. Then they asked Brother Houteff to subsidize them but he would not do so. Now Stoy you were in the hunting work but quit. Why now are you starting another battering rams campaign?

It was learned in this meeting that Brother Wolfe had asked those young people who rode in his car to Fort Worth, What about the umbrella if there is no rain?

Richard Knipple told his father, Brother Wolfe doesn’t talk like a Davidian.

Stoy: In that case, if Brother Wolfe talks like that I don’t think the Young People should be going with him.

Sister Houteff asked this pertinent question: If it is true that Brother Wolfe cannot believe any thing that Brother Houteff did not write, then what will He do when the solemn assembly is called if Brother Houteff is not here to call it? Someone has to know when to sound the alarm and blow the trumpet.

Before Stoy was dismissed Sister Houteff told him she wanted to talk with him soon about the Davidian Youth Society and the Officers.

Jack Knipple, Jr. had asked T. O. Hermanson to officiate at his wedding. A motion was made by Jack Knipple, Sr.: “I move that the Council authorize T. O. Hermanson to officiate at their wedding.”

This motion was seconded by C. W. Helman and carried by unanimous vote.

The meeting adjourned at 11:45 P.M. and J. R. Custer dismissed the meeting by prayer.

Members present:

O. Conrad T. O. Hermanson

R. Custer, Alternate Mrs. Florence Houteff

W. Helman Jack Knipple, Sr.

Mrs. Sopha Hermanson

A. Quackenbush

Geo. W. Saether

[Signed].Mrs. Florence Houteff, Chairman

[Signed] O. Conrad, Secretary

This report was prepared by

[Signed] Geo. W. Saether, Assistant Secretary
