15 Oct Mayest Prosper and be in Health Part 2
That Thou Mayest Prosper and be in Health – Part 2
(Continued from Sept. Issue)
One of the most common causes for various diseases is constipation. Those who desire to keep well should not let a day pass by with less than two good bowel movements. It is better to take any drug laxative than to allow the system to get filled with poison. However, one need not use harmful drugs when he can obtain a remedy which will be practically harmless. An enema is a good colon eliminator in an emergency. {1SC16: 5.7}
As defective elimination can be corrected by a proper diet and bending exercise, there is no reason why, at least in most cases, that the normal functions of the bowels should not be restored. A daily use of a little fruit almost of any kind, whether dried or fresh, will aid to relieve this condition. One kind of fruit might be an effectual aid to one person while it would not be to another. Therefore, the individual should exercise his judgment by personal experience as to the kind of fruit he should use. {1SC16: 5.8}
“Some foods that are adapted for use at one season or in one climate are not suited to another. So there are different foods best suited for persons in different occupations.” — “Ministry of Healing,” p. 297. {1SC16: 5.9}
When the fruit is unavailable or too high priced, raw vegetables such as finely chopped cabbage, carrots, turnips, green corn, etc. which have been put through a food chopper, if possible, may take their place. Cooked or raw greens are also beneficial. Several glasses of fresh or diluted canned milk will bring the desired results for some individuals. All white flour products, pastries, and confections should be positively avoided. Honey will take the place of sweets. The use of bran may at first be a good eliminator, but it has the tendency to be habit-forming, and at last becomes ineffective and leaves the individual in worse condition than in the beginning: and besides this a sensitive stomach can not handle it. Soft, sticky “mushes” eaten as breakfast foods may be sparingly used when enough roughage is taken along with them and when defective elimination does not prevail. {1SC16: 5.10}
Though nearly all nutmeats are more or less constipating, when good judgment is exercised they can with wisdom be used with success, and vegetarians will find them so essential that it is almost impossible to maintain health without them. Nevertheless their being a highly concentrated food, it is very easy to overeat of them, thus bringing more harm upon the system than by a proportionate over consumption of more bulky articles of less food value. For an example, if walnuts are used at each meal, two good sized ones are all the average individual can stand. When using peanut butter, two level teaspoons are sufficient. If these nutmeats are used only once a day, one half of the above daily ration is all the system can successfully handle. This of course depends much on the richness and the food value that the meal contains. For some individuals even this amount is too much and will bring headache or other disagreeable effects to which nature resorts as a warning against such transgressions. {1SC16: 6.1}
It is not safe for one to try to maintain health by using the above mentioned articles without the legumes such as beans, peas, lentils, etc., except they be replaced if necessary, by a substitute. Dairy products should not be used at all, save for the time being, milk, cream, and cottage cheese. Eggs are harmful to children and to youth, but may be sparingly used by others when necessary. This, however, is not to be understood to mean that eggs, when used now and then in foods such as griddle cakes (not regular pancakes), rice, etc., should not be eaten by children and youth. {1SC16: 6.2}
We should not forget that the human machine needs a lubricant to perform its daily task. Vegetarians should have this constantly in mind and should use a little vegetable oil in nearly all foods. Olive oil is the best. However, other good oils can be used. We are not definitely clear about cotton seed oils, and imitation butter fats (margarines). It is safest to avoid them. It is not necessary to use butter spread on bread, but those who are in the habit of doing so and who think they can not get along without it can use thick cream. However, plain bread is more healthful. {1SC16: 6.3}
One of the prevailing disorders of our day is gastritis, especially among S.D.A.’s. This sickness, as well as many others, is a warning to God’s people that it is the result of neglecting to live the principles of health reform, and that since the time the light on this subject came to us as a people there has been a curse resting upon us. {1SC16: 6.4}
This stomach disorder is common at all ages, and is caused principally by a faulty diet — overeating, wrong combinations, poor cooking, spoiled food, etc. Meals in succession consisting of fruit, such as apples, grapes, oranges, watermelons, etc. without any other food which contains some sort of a lubricant, when continued for some time, will bring this condition, also raw root vegetables may bring the same effect, but a little peanut butter with each meal will in most cases counteract the evil. {1SC16: 6.5}
This disease is often brought about by starvation through irregularity; that is, as the stomach is constantly endeavoring to grind or digest the food by one wall working against the other, when left empty for some time, or a number of times now and then, the constant friction will irritate the lining and cause inflammation, bring pain, sickly feeling, belching of gas, etc. Soon after a meal there is a relief, but as the absence of gastric juices and the abnormal or inflamed condition of the stomach retards digestion, fermentation sets in, and the trouble is renewed. If and when the food and the gas leave the stomach, there should be relief, but just then this attrition starts anew between the inflamed walls and instead of feeling better and improving, the trouble grows worse if food is not taken. Sometimes this condition is brought about by an excessive flow of gastric juices, produced by over-stimulated secretional glands, working on an empty stomach. {1SC16: 6.6}
Hence, the only remedy for this illness is one that will heal the lining, and the only measure which will do this is on the one hand, not to leave the stomach go empty and, on the other, to eat easily digested nutritious foods, which will act as a lubricant to prevent further irritation in the case of attrition, and to reduce the flow of acid in the case of abnormal gland secretion. {1SC16: 6.7}
Under this condition one of the best articles of food one can take is a half pint or less of warm cream (not hot) to which has been added some milk and the beaten yolk of an egg, with some salt if desired. This will act as a healing ointment, at the same time supplying the necessary minerals and elements for the upkeep of the body. {1SC16: 7.1}
If the condition of the stomach is very bad, even this easily digested and soothing food may not set well. However, as there is nothing better that we can prescribe at this time, and as the stomach must not be left empty to continue wearing itself out, the patient may take in less of this liquid food at a time, but precaution must be exercised that, just as soon as it leaves the stomach (not before nor long after), more of this liquid be taken in. When the digestive organs are capable of taking care of this article of food, a slice or two of bread well and slowly toasted but not burned, may be added. Well browned zwieback does not contain the food value. Cottage cheese made of cream is excellent too. Buttermilk, yogurt, and sour milk are also good. After the stage is reached where these foods are well digested, it is advisable to try a glass of fruit juice half an hour before meals. {1SC16: 7.2}
As improvement is gained, other foods may be gradually added to this basic diet, but they should be such as will not revive the old trouble, and of very small quantities until there is evidence that the system can handle these articles in normal quantities. {1SC16: 7.3}
Those who have this trouble, please inform us of the results after giving this treatment a fair trial. But remember that one bad combination, one wrong eating, will either entirely or partly bring back the old trouble; therefore great care must be exercised as to when, what, how, and how much one shall eat. Never take a chance. Always leave the table while you are yet hungry. {1SC16: 7.4}
As stomach disorders are brought about by numerous causes, generally transgressions, it is impossible to describe each condition or prescribe one remedy for every case. Therefore, each should try to correct his habits and eat that which best agrees with him. {1SC16: 7.5}
To maintain the good results gained, do not start trailing again over the old road of careless habits. A little peanut butter to which a proportionate amount of honey is added if desired, on a slice of whole wheat bread at each meal, especially when the meal consists of fruit or raw vegetables, will help prevent this gastric complaint coming back. Never use roasted peanut butter if you can obtain the raw, which you will find more delicious and healthful. {1SC16: 7.6}
Peanut butter cooked with grains or roasts makes the food article too rich and too heavy. Hence, it is well to avoid such combinations. The best foods are those which are native, and which come with the seasons of the year. {1SC16: 7.7}
For those who are troubled by excessive gastric juice, a glass or two full of fresh water taken before meals will be found helpful; but in cases where this digestive fluid is deficient, it is best not to drink until an hour after meals. By experimenting you can diagnose your own case. {1SC16: 7.8}
“It is impossible to make an unvarying rule to regulate every one’s habits, and no one should think himself a criterion for all. Not all can eat the same things. Foods that are palatable and wholesome to one person may be distasteful, and even harmful, to another. Some can not use milk, while others thrive on it. Some persons can not digest peas and beans; others find them wholesome. For some the coarser grain preparations are good food, while others can not use them. {1SC16: 7.9}
Those who live in new countries or in poverty-stricken districts, where fruits and nuts are scarce, should not be urged to exclude milk and eggs from their dietary…. {1SC16: 7.10}
“Some are continually anxious lest their food, however simple and healthful, may hurt them. To these let me say, Do not think that your food will injure you; do not think about it at all. Eat according to your best judgment; and when you have asked the Lord to bless the food for the strengthening of your body, believe that He hears your prayer, and be at rest.” — “Ministry of Healing,” pp. 319, 320, 321. {1SC16: 7.11}
Do not forget that your teeth are in your mouth and not in your stomach. Think not that your stomach can take care of a bucket-sized meal; remember that it holds less than a quart and must have a little space by which to maintain its peristalsis. Do not expect your system to run without breaking down if you neglect to keep it clean and lubricated. It is absurd to entertain the idea that your fine mechanism can continue working on substances which contain no energy. Do not leave it dry — take in plenty of fresh water lest by getting stagnant you pollute the atmosphere. For a pleasant association with your friends, the pure juice of two lemons taken once a week on an empty stomach will scour your body on the inside and a bucketful of hot water and soap will polish it on the outside. Pure lemon juice at first may bring the same distress as when applied to an open sore; therefore only a little at first should be tried in water before taking a full dose. {1SC16: 7.12}
When in distress caused by gas, relief may be obtained perhaps in an hour’s time by lying down on the stomach. {1SC16: 8.1}
Brush your teeth after each meal and remove all the food from between your teeth to prevent bad odor and decay, for food ferments; in fact, in less than four hours fermentation sets in and the acid created by it immediately begins to dissolve the enamel. Unclean, yellow looking teeth, covered with tartar, surely do not represent the “King of kings and Lord of lords,” Whose garments are whiter than snow. Pumice powder mixed with soap and tooth paste will polish your teeth, or you may go to a dentist and have them cleaned. If you do your own teeth cleaning, do not use pumice powder except when necessary, for it is hard on the enamel. Disinfect your tooth brush at least once a week lest you contract pyorrhea. Salt sprinkled over the tooth brush is one of the best antiseptics. Let your brush always hang outside in the sunshine. {1SC16: 8.12}
Always keep your hands and finger nails clean. {1SC16: 8.3}
Clean up, brother! Clean up, sister! for we are going home! {1SC16: 8.4}
Those who neglect to conform to these health principles, need not think if they are sick, or if they get sick, that God is going to work a miracle to restore them to health, and should not ask us to pray for them. If He should heal them, most people would take it as an evidence that He has approved of their transgressions against nature. {1SC16: 8.5}
(To be continued)
The Fight with Appetite
If with Jesus in fiery chariot you would ride,
You must put your feet upon your human pride.
Then you may sit as a king by His side–
The Song of Moses and the Lamb learn and sing.
When Joshua conquered his stubborn foes
As he entered Canaan, so the story goes,
He said, put your feet upon your enemies’ neck,
For God will help you their kingdom to wreck.
So we who believe “The Shepherd’s Rod”
Must have faith in the power of the living God.
If we conquer all the foes we meet,
We must make straight paths for lame feet.
Let us not forget pride caused Lucifer’s fall;
He will seek to hinder those who heed the 11th Hour Call.
For well he knows who will fill the vacant place–
‘Twill be men and women who are saved by grace.
We will find now our hardest fight
To overcome our perverted appetite.
So let us put on the whole armour of God
If we would not sleep beneath the sod.
If of our bodies we take not proper care,
Then God cannot hear or answer our prayer.
He who turns from the law of physical salvation
Cannot be a channel of divine revelation.
For only by eating and drinking for God’s glory
Shall we be permitted to tell the final gospel story,
And thus prove to the sincere who believe in God
That we have found the Truth in the “Shepherd’s Rod.”
For if we in every act glorify our Saviour and God,
He will glorify us as messengers of “The Shepherd’s Rod.”
—H.W. Jones
“Pedestrian Poet.”
Written to be read on Sabbath, Oct. 5, 1935
At Mt. Carmel Center where Truth can enter.